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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

708 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Chauncey Edgar Finch, with High Honors in Latin Leonard Victor Finder Serene Fink Lucile Veronica Finnegan John Pierre Fixmer Dorothy Vivian Footitt, with Honors in Chemistry Ray Melford Foreman, with Honors in Public Speaking Margie Elizabeth Francis Roger Kenneth Frandsen Robert Benjamin Frank Stanley Sanford Frankel Oscar Lawrence Fredriksen Herbert Bernard Fried Bernard Samuel Friedman, with Honors in Chemistry Erna Fritz, with Honors in German Erhard William Fuchs, with Honors in Zoology wlllard wu-son fullerton Irene Margaret Fulton Severo Galinato Galinato Sylvia Ruth Ganansky, with Honors i Zoology n Mildred Emma Gehlbach Marian Gibson Angela Gioconda Helen Lillian Gleason Virginia Edith Gleim Martin Glover William Elwood Gobble, with Honors in P l t c l Science oiia Ruth Adeline Godding Eva Anna Goff Raymond Lipman Goldstein Mary Elizabeth Goodell Margaret Helen Goodman Margaret Mary Graham Francis Ralph Grant, with High Honors in Botany Edward Ray Griesheimer Dorothy Marion Griggs Ronald Nelson Gsell Margaret Elizabeth Guild Rae Gunter Josephine Frederick Gunther W Maurice Hadaway Adolph Werner Hagstrom Dan Hall Hale Harriet Hallowell Richard Gerhardy Handschu Margaret Cecelia Harlan WillisLavernePsychology with HelenElizabeth Henderson EdwardWarner Heffner, Gertrude HarryHelfrich AlberdineElizabeth Hayes SuzannaWilliam Hazleton Mary Honors i Hatcher n Mary Louise Henebry Ethel May Henwood Lee Malcolm Hester, with Honors i Economics n Margaret Lucu.le Hicks Rachel H Hill Edward Charles Hoelscher, Jr. Sara Louise Hollister Leona Hazel Hoppenrath Frances Susan Howard George Marmaduke Hoy Jackson Noyes Huddleston Margaret Lavinia Hudson Catherine Noyes Hughes Malinda Richolene Hughes William Buel Huie, with Honors in Public Speaking Robert Case Humphrey Helen Rosetta Hunsinger Betty Delia Huntoon Herbert Walroth Hurd Marguerite Valentine Ingram Celia Marie Irick Norman Leonard Jacklin Anna Louise Jackman, with Honors i English n William Francis Jacobs Archibald Stephens James Alice Mabel Johnson, with Honors in French Carleton Ware Johnson Dorothy Marie Johnson Vivian Naomi Johnson Isabel Frisby Johnston Walter Jolley, with Honors in History Truman Jones Winifred Ellen Jones, with Honors in French Ethel Katherine Kaesebdir Philip Henry Kammann Beatrice Kane Thyra Phyllis Kantor Sadie Kaplan Adelyn Emma Kast Daniel Joseph Keating, Jr. George Fred Kelling Claire Louise Kelly Arlene Josephine Kempton, with Honors i English n Edith Rachel Kennedy Thomas Kennedy BlancheHaroldSpanish William LeBaron Kerr Mary Kathryn Kilian HarryClarain Kimball, ThomasStephen Kostka John Raymond Kieding MargaretJohn Krencewiczwith Anna Beatrice Kiley Elma Honors Krumsieg Kertes
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