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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 659 Salary 1 500 1 700 1 440 1 020 1 200) 10. Catherine Davey, Secretary to Dean and Director (Exempt) D 11. Bess Riggs, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 12. , Clerk, Agricultural Mailing R o o m (C. S.) (S) 13. Lucy Coe, Stenographer (C. S.) 14. , Stenographer (C. S.) (See Purnell Total, Administration $ 24 210 Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Experiment Station) 1. C. L. Stewart, Chief, Agricultural Economics (S) B J (See College of Commerce (See Purnell (From Summer Session (Total Salary 2. L. J. Norton, Assistant Chief (S) B (See College of Commerce (See Purnell (Total Salary 3. R. W . Bartlett, First Assistant (S) E (See College of Commerce (See Purnell. Purnell -, (Total SalaryResearch Assistant (S). (See Purnell DG50 , Assistant (S) (July 1 to August 31, 1930) F Research Assistant (S) (See Purnell DG50 -, Research Assistant (S) (See Purnell DG50 - Stenographer (Fed.) , (See Purnell D 2 50O 2 500) 555 56) 277 77) 5 %33 33) 1 750 1 75o) 583 33) 4 083 33) I 300 I 300) 416 67) 3 016 67) 400) 720) 720) 720) 1 200) Total, Agricultural Economics $ 5 550 Agricultural College Extension 1. F. H. Rankin, Superintendent, Agricultural College Extension A $ Assistant Dean D 2. W . H. Young, Associate, Agricultural College Extension... B 3. Alice V. Hamilton, Secretary to Assistant Dean (C. S.)... . 4. Helen N . Matter, Stenographer (C. S.) Total, Agricultural College Extension J 10 680 Agronomy 1. W . L. Burlison, Professor and Chief, Crop Production (C&S), Head of Department A ? 2. C. F. Hottes, Consulting Plant Physiologist (S) DG17 (See Department of Botany (Total Salary 3. L. H. Smith, Chief in charge of Publications of Soil Survey (S) A 4. F. C. Bauer, Professor, Soils Extension (E), Chief, Soil Experiment Fields (S) A (See Smith-Lever (Total Salary 5. J. C. Hackleman, Professor and Chief, Crops Extension (E&S) (Salary under Smith-Lever B 5 000 2 800 I 800 1 080 7 500 1 000 5 000) 6 000) 4 5°° 4 55° 25°) 4 800) 4 800)
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