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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
66o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Salary 4 250 4 800 4250 3 800 3 750 3 750 3 300 3 250 3 600 3 200 3 200) 1000 2 800) 3 800) 2 050 450) 2 500) 2 300 2 400 2 400 2 500 2 000 1 joo 2 200 2 100 1 800 2 300 2 000 2 000 1 600 1 900 1 800 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 1 600 1 400 6. E. E. DeTurk, Professor and Chief, Soil Technology (C&S), in charge of Soil Analysis of Soil Survey B 7. R. S. Smith, Professor and Chief, Soil Physics (C&S), in charge of identification and mapping of soil types B 8. C. M . Woodworth, Professor and Chief, Plant Breeding (C&S) B 9. O. H. Sears, Associate Professor and Associate Chief, Soil Biology (C&S) D 10. J. J. Pieper, Associate Professor and Associate Chief, Crop Production (C&S) D it. G. H. Dungan, Associate Professor and Associate Chief, Crop Production (C&S) D 12. H. J. Snider, Assistant Chief, Soil Experiment Fields (S) . . B 13. D. C. Wimer, Assistant Professor and Assistant Chief, Soil Physics (C&S) B 14. B. Koehler, Assistant Chief, Crop Pathology (S) B 1 J. E. A. Norton, Assistant Chief, Soil Survey Mapping (S)... B 16. C. M . Linsley, Assistant Professor, Soils Extension (E).... (Salary under Smith-Lever B 17. L. F. Rickey, Associate, Grain Marketing Technology (C&S) D (See Purnell Fund (Total Salary 18. J. Lamb, Jr., Associate, Soil Experiment Fields and Soils Extension (S&E) D (See Smith-Lever (Total Salary 19. M . B. Harland, Associate, Soil Physics and Soil Survey Mapping (C&S) D 20. R. S. Sta iffer, Associate, Soil Physics and Soil Survey Mapping (C&S). B 21. A. L. Lang, Associate, Soil Experiment Fields (S) B 22. F. H. Crane, Associate, Soil Fertility (C&S) B 23. C. J. Badger, Associate, Soil Experiment Fields (S) B 24. R. H. Bray, Associate, Soil Survey Analysis (S) D 25. W . J. M u m m , Associate, Plant Breeding (C&S) D 26. A. U. Thor, First Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields (S)... . B 27. J. C. Anderson, First Assistant, Soil Fertility (S) D 28. D. C. Maxwell, First Assistant, Soil Survey Mapping (S). . D 29. O. T. Bonnett, Instructor and First Assistant, Plant Breeding (C&S) D 30. L. B. Miller, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields (S) D 31. E. B. Earley, Assistant, Soil Fertility (S) D 32. H. Wascher, Assistant, Soil Survey Mapping (S) D 22- E. Winters, Jr. Assistant, Soil Physics and Soil Survey Mapping (S) D 34. L. K. Eby, Assistant, Soil Survey Analysis (S) D 35. C. H. Farnham, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields (S) D 36. C. A. Van Doren, Assistant, Crop Production (C&S) D 37. • Assistant, Soil Biology (C&S) , D 38. A. Kirkwood, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields (S) D 39. C. N. Darras, Assistant, Soil Survey Analysis (S) D 40. K. B. Daniloff, Assistant, Soil Fertility (S) D (Salary paid from funds from R u h m Phosphate & Chemical Company and Thomson Phosphate Company 43. H. E. Kehoe, , Assistant, Soil Biology (S) (C&S) Map-,.DDG55o 46. 45. R. ping (S) Assistant, 44. G. F. Smith, Assistant, Soil Physics (S) 42. M . L. Buckardt, Assistant CropSoil Biology (S) 41. L. D. Fore, Assistant, PlantFertilityand Soil Survey Hershberger, Assistant, Production Breeding (C&S) DGGj00 50 990) 1 500 720 720 720
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