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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

58 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 13 Appendix I RESIDENCE HALLS S U M M A R Y OF OPERATIONS 192S-29 TO SEPTEMBER 12, 1928 Woman's Residence Davenport Total Halls House Summer Session Surplus $ r 638 93 $ 1 638 93 14 047 34 I 262 46 15 309 80 Total Surplus from Operations 1028-20 to September 12 +08 +1* I 262 46* 13 670 87* 12,1918 163893 163893 114 88601 9 90407 124 790 08 Deduct: Extraordinary Repairs, Equipment, Remodeling and June 15-September 15, 1928, Miscellaneous Expense Unused 1928-29 Surplus from Operations Aid: Balance forward June is, 1928 Surplus as at September 12, 1028 #102 477 60 JS8 641 61 $111 119 21 •Deficit—deduct. Appendix II STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM F U N D AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1928 RECEIPTS A N D DISBURSEMENTS July 1, 1028, Prior to to Total to Dale July 1, 1028 September jo, 192S Receipts From Subscriptions ti 663 030 45 $4 535 90 $1 667 566 35 From Donations 5 008 12 13 80 5 021 92 From Interest 26 451 49 313 90 26 765 39 From Loans 44 000 00 2 000 00* 42 000 00 Total Receipts /l 738 490 06 $1 863 60 $1 741 353 66 Disbursements Office Collection Expense 575 571 575 J71 Construction 1 735 635 7^ 1 735 635 78 Total Disbursements $1 73s 635 78 $ 575 57 £1 736 211 35 Cosh Balance $ 5142 31 BALANCE SHEET A ssels Cash #S 142 31 Due from Pledge Instalments Past Due Instalments , $ 487 805 04 Future Instalments. 4 889 00 492 694 04 Due from Athletic Association for Office Expense 575 57 Total Assets $ 498 411 92 Liabilities and Surplus Notes Payable 42 000 00 ThisLiabilitieshigh-voltageS formrecord.over IUtilitiesLagrees to ACommission1,for92 (12)sumreport drawn thecables.Hwith Ftheofof thisSTRETCHINGstretching 456agreeCOOPERATIVEOinvestigationHfortheand Ocharacter -OFyear Abeginning Lthe $University The similar investigations. Eonloan.ELIMINATION hithertoGauthorizedand College of Excessagreement isto to cover recommendation of Research B S ment1To Assets ofLanArepayment theThe the •DeductionINVESTIGATION OF S period sheaths beof Fduereceived A Tmethods of H V O the E C of the cooperative $2,400 ofD up Association. H G eliminating Dean pay E by the 411 a Engineering,was approval, of Pledges) Commission investigation,October ofBoard for report (including Unpaid I ofbeen E Athletic has refunded by agreement expenses one of T the lead 1928.
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