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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 59 APPROPRIATION FOR ALUMNI NEWS Mr. Barr presented the following report. The Committee on Alumni held a meeting i Chicago on Saturday, Ocn tober 13, 1928. Present, Mr. George A. Barr and Mrs. Busey. On motion of Mr. Barr the Committee voted to recommend that an appropriation of $3,000 be made toward the expense of changing the Alumni News from a monthly to a weekly publication. George A. Bark Mary E. Busey O n motion of Mr. Barr, this recommendation was adopted, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby; no, Dr. Noble; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Small, Mr. Trees, Mr. Ward. OCTOBER DEGREES The Secretary presented for record the following l s of degrees it granted in October, 1928. GRADUATE SCHOOL Degree of Master of Arts In Chemistry Wallace Windus, A.B., University of Montana, 1925 In Economics Gerald Jackson Bridges, A.B., DePauw University, 1922 In Education Henry Johnson Arnold, A.B., DePauw University, 1923 Harold Vernon Burrus, B.S., 1925 John Hal Connor, A.B., 1921 Okey Witter Costilow, Ph.B., Denison University, 1924 Joseph Dostal, A.B., University of South Dakota, 1923 Wilber Eugene Harnish, A.B., Lebanon Valley College, 1910 Mae E Kelley, A.B., 1913 George Nelson Tremper, A.B., University of Michigan, 1001 Harry Stanley Young, B.S., 1927 In English Edith Mary Lackey, A.B., Oxford College for Women, 1924 Clifford Stickney, A.B., 1923 Ethel Stiff, A.B., 1918 In History Ida Lee Alderson Barger, A.B., West Virginia University, 1922 Edward Loren Major, A.B., Eureka College, 1927 Clifford Turner Stewart, B.S., 1927 In Romance Languages John Probasco Gamble, A.B., Knox College, 1927 Julia Margaret McMillan, A.B., 1927 Beulah Hope Swigart, A.B., 1924 In Sociology Dora Blanche McVey, B.S., 1924 In Zoology Louise Elizabeth Gulick, A.B., 1927 Arthur Lorimer Hjortland, A.B., University of North Dakota, 1923 Ernest Carr McCulloch, D.V.M., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924
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