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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 57 Schedule D BALANCE SHEET AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 98 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash in hands of University Treasurer $\ 078 632 34 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 oc Balance in State Appropriations For Operation $3 367 529 79 For Buildings 974 022 45 For Special Purposes *7 725 3 7 4 359 277 61 Stores and Service Departments 189 973 03 Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund)... 14 450 00 Accounts Receivable 27 981 97 Estimated Income from: (Sch. B) Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and Capper-Ketchum United States Appropriations 199 812 07 Interest on Endowment Fund from Land Grant of 1862 16 225 33 State Board of Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 Fees 498 231 54 Agricultural Sales 99 855 25 Creamery Surplus . 14 3 10 00 Trust Endowments 7 000 00 Miscellaneous 70 798 29 922 232 48 £6 623 147 43 II. Trust Funds Cash 189 937 19 Notes Receivable 125 74T 61 Investments Savings Account 12135 18 Stock and Bonds 249 250 96 Land 57 950 00 319 336 14 635 014 94 III. Endowment Fund Endowment Fund (in hands of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862 649 012 91 IV. Plant and Property Plant and Property (July 1, 1928) 22 226 540 48 Total Assets S30 133 7*5 76 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I. General and Building Funds Appropriation Balances (Sch. C) Encumbered $ 969 022 91 Unencumbered 5 100 010 28 #6 069 033 *9 Reserve for Extension Petty Cash Funds 1 200 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 Reserve for Loan to Trust Fund 14 45° 00 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 187 931 14 Unappropriated Agricultural Income 12 567 21 Unappropriated Income (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sch. A) 215 605 25 $ 6 623 147 43 IV. Reservefor Trust Funds Assets III.BondsTotalInvested Bonds Fund 649 II. Reservefrom GeneralBonds Surplus -012 91 Endowment Funds and Loanandfor Funds Fixed Surplus Treasury Dental Property in Expendable Endowment Less: Liabilities Surplus 4527000 48 22 466 2140 48 #3063 5 540 48 60 152 00 14 450 00 600 168 602 46 22 226 014 94 174 412 00 5 400 133 7*5 76
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