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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 597 APPROPRIATION FOR SCHOOL O F MUSIC (9) A recommendation that an appropriation of $200 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to the School of Music for expense and equipment for the balance of the current year. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, President Barr, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, Dr. Noble, M r . Simpson, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher. MAJOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE STAFF FOR 1 930-3 1 (10) I recommend approval of the following major appointments to the staff for 1930-31: 1. Professor Regis Michaud, at present on the staff of Dartmouth College, as Visiting Professor of Romance Languages for one year at a salary of $7,000 ($6,000 of his salary will be paid by the Department and $1,000 from the Fund for Visiting Professorships). I have authorized his appointment since it was necessary to act promptly in order to get him. 2. Professor Guy Allen Tawney, at present Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati, as Visiting Professor of Philosophy on one-half time for one year from September i, 1930, at a salary of $3,000 (to be charged to the Fund for Visiting Professorships). 3. Dr. Griffith Wynne Williams, at present on the staff of Yale University, as Assistant Professor of Psychology for one year beginning September 1, 1930, at a salary of $3,000. (Dr. Williams will take the place of Dr. E. A. Culler who will be on leave without pay next year). 4, Dr. Virgil R. D. Kirkham, Chief Geologist of the Pacific Exploring Company of New York City, as Assistant Professor of Geology for one year at a salary of $3500. O n motion of M r . Trees, these appointments were approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR T. E. PHIPPS (11) A request from Associate Professor T. E. Phipps of the Department of Chemistry for a leave of absence without pay for the academic year 1930-31 for the purpose of study and travel abroad on a Guggenheim Fellowship. The Head of the Department and the Dean of the College recommend approval, and I concur. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR DIRECTOR GEORGE A. HUFF AND MR. FRANK ROKUSEK (12) A report that I have authorized Director George Huff to leave the University on May 19 for the rest of the academic year and Mr. Frank Rokusek, Instructor in Athletic Coaching, to leave the University on M a y 24. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this action w a s approved. UTILITIES RESEARCH COMMISSION GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS IN THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION (13) The Utilities Research Commission offers the University four additional graduate assistantships in the Engineering Experiment Station of $800 each for the year '930-31 to take care of the following projects which are now under way: Prevention of Corrosion by Flue Gases. Treatment of Natural Waters for Ice Making. Effect of Products of Gas Combustion on Flues and Chimneys. Solubility Studies of Boiler Waters. I recommend that these additional assistantships be established for the year 1930-31. On motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was approved.
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