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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

588 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 9 On motion of Mr. Trees, this purchase was authorized as recommended. PURCHASE OF LABORATORY MATERIALS (25) A request from the Comptroller for authority to purchase laboratory materials for the General Chemical Storeroom for the year 193031. These materials will be issued to the various departments, chiefly the Department of Chemistry, by the Storeroom, and the cost will be charged to the departments using them. It is necessary to make the purchases at this time to be assured of delivery by the opening of the fall semester. In accordance with our practice the Comptroller secured competitive quotations on this material. Where our requirements are for standard apparatus, the reward will be made to the low bidder; where optional equipment has been offered, the quality of manufacture and design and the adaptability of the material for requirements has been taken into consideration in addition to the price. Samples were obtained and carefully inspected in advance. The Comptroller recommends that purchases be made from the following firms at the prices indicated: Rascher and Betzold, Chicago $1 854 41 E. H. Sargent and Co., Chicago 2 654 80 Schaar and Company, Chicago 1 404 68 W . M . Welch Scientific Co., Chicago 1 111 86 A. Daigger and Company, Chicago 1 953 43 Wilkens Anderson Company, Chicago 218 80 Glasco Products, Chicago 183 00 Henry Heil Chemical Co., St. Louis 72 50 Central Scientific Co., Chicago 640 37 Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago 790 15 $10 884 01 I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , these purchases w e r e authorized as recommended. PURCHASE OF MILITARY UNIFORMS (26) The W a r Department has announced a new plan for the issue of uniforms and commutation in lieu of uniforms effective at the beginning of the next academic year. The Commandant and the Comptroller recommend that the following plan be adopted: "Each student entering the advanced course in his third year shall make the regular deposit of $15, as now required. Each student on registering in the course will be required to sign an agreement to the effect that he will deposit with the University out of his first check from the Government for commutation of rations, the sum of $20. This check will be received early in January. The University will thus have a guaranty deposit of $35 against the payment of the balance of the commutation, and to cover other equipment issued to the students. In the meantime the University will have received payment from the Government for thefirstinstallment of $20 on the uniform. At the end of the year, a refund of the $15 deposit will be made, less any equipment not accounted for and the remainder carried forward to the succeeding year. W h e n the student registers the succeeding year and the second installment of the commutation is received from the Government, a refund of $5 will be made the student out of the balance retained on his account; the remaining $15 is carried through the second year as the usual deposit. If the student does not reregister for the senior year, the balance due on the uniform will be charged to his deposit." There are approximately four hundred students in the advanced course and the total cost of the uniforms will therefore be approximately $16,000. Half of this amount can be collected by the time it is necessary to pay for the uniforms and the remainder must be advanced Since there will be on hand deposits made fund of these in military,above outlined.approximately collection money for the purchasefrom the students as amounting to pending the $50,000, of a full guaranty by all students
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