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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

56 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schedule B REALIZATION OF INCOME FOR OPERATIONS 1928-29 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 1928 Budget Estimate Realised to Date [October 13 Unrealized Balance (See Sck, D ) Stale Funds From Mill Tax $2 625 000 00 $ 802 837 39 $1 822 162 61 From General Revenue 1 875 000 00 329 632 82 1 545 367 18 Total, State (4 500 000 00) (1 132 470 21) (3 367 529 79) Federal Funds From U. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 24 119 812 17 119 812 07 Hatch-Adams Funds 30 000 00 7 500 00 22 500 00 Purnell Fund 50 000 00 12 500 00 37 500 00 Capper-Ketchum Fund 20 000 00 20 000 00 From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 16 225 33 16 225 33 Morrill-Nelson Funds 50 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 Total, Federal (438 074 90) (206 037 50) (232 037 40) Student Fees 850 000 00 351 768 46 498 231 54 Sales Credited to Departments Agriculture ... 124 860 00 28 774 70 96 085 30* Other Departments 814 72 814 72*^ Credited to Estimated Agricultural Sales 131 700 00 31 844 75 99 855 25 Credited to General Income .-19 201 71 70 798 29 Schedule C 90 000 00 Credited to Estimated Income M M A RCreamery P P R O P R I A T I O N S S U from Y O F A Surplus , 14 31 o oo3 A S A T S E P T E M B E R 14 310 00 30. 1928 EncumFree Balance Total, Sales, etc (360 870 00) (80 brances (280 234 12) 635 88) Total 11 831 22 JS 306 66s 86 McKinley Endowment - 7 000 00 7 000 00 Credits Disbursements 24 763 69 144 237 60 Grand Total. . , 55 $ 82 839 $1 912 05 $4 744 086 Administration and General $ 402 336 $6 155 944 90 47 770 37 481 46 385 032 85 89 •Deduct, 2 354 49 211 265 81 Library 221 229 07 52 227 78 7 30S 56 908 762 16 'No budget estimate set up. Agriculture 12 381 22 542 145 08 4 118 00 64 'Credited direct to revolving accounts, 061 carried as separate items on Balance Sheet. IS5 33 University Appropriation 1 not 045 91 279 477 56 25 966 77 577 534 3° aAmount 83S 06 Smith-Lever realized to September 30, 1928, $6,354.30; to be transferred June 30, 1929. 23 378 86 264 533 15 50 912 85 4 903 89 64 813 88 Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 124 354 29 208 286 57 2S4 00 18 978 43 14073 19 454 49 Engineering 696 968 02 142 341 72 607 63 41 105 34 520 47 Graduate School 81 170 04 12 796 71 80 000 00 Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy 774 317 86 170 816 79 2 5°3 75 153 557 44 I 839 75 177 3>3 56 Journalism 28 250 01 4 036 09 5 866 13 94 448 49 Law 88 826 11 19 108 34 509 405 10 Library . Sub-total... 4 554 30 „ j „School . $623 786 7395 $132489351 $I44>53 35 #468201909 151 075 Military 21 544 16 1 948 94 Land, Buildings, and Improvements Music. State Building Appropriations I 175 646 50 56 482 11 14 933 53 Special zoo 331 35 714 537 73 260 613 03 Summer Appropriations 39 493 89 38 515 35 110 331 83 Other Session 1928 332 035 82 64 793 90 157 368 16 Summer Session 1929 80 000 00 Grand Total £765905195 8159001876 $96902291 $510001028 Education. 188 412 7r 32 351 52 Commerce 222 177 18 43 023 87 Physical Welfare 125 209 97 24 895 35 Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance 651 231 87 141 826 77
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