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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 58l To Agricultural Economics Purnell Expense and Equipment.. . . $33 45 Animal Husbandry Purnell Expense and Equipment 200 16 Dairy Husbandry Purnell Expense and Equipment 300 00 Farm Organization and Management Purnell Expense and Equipment 1 730 00 Home Economics Purnell Expense and Equipment 2 900 00 Horticulture Purnell Expense and Equipment 67 50 I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby this fund w a s appropriated as recommended, b y the following vote: A y e , President Barr, M r . Armstrong, M r s . Evans, M r . Fisher, M r s . Grigsby, Dr. Noble, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Simpson. PAYMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ON THE MEDICAL A N D DENTAL LABORATORIES (6) A statement from Granger & Bollenbacher, Architects, of the balance ($24,000) due them to date for professional services rendered on plans for the new building for the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry in Chicago. The Supervising Architect, who sends in the statement, recommends payment, the amount to be charged to the State appropriation for the new building. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the payment of this bill was authorized. REBATE ON ASSESSMENT OF SCOTT SANITARY SEWER (7) A report from the Comptroller of the payment of $643.81 from the City of Champaign asfinalpayment of the rebates on the special assessment on the Scott Sanitary Sewer. A previous payment of $136.92 on this assessment was received earlier in the year and reported to the Board on February 5, 1930 (Minutes, page 512). This report w a s received for record. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST UNIVERSITY PROPERTY IN C H I C A G O (8) As previously reported (Minutes, September 18, 1929, page 358; November 15, iy29, page 435; February 15, 1930, page 515) a notice was received last September of an assessment against the University on account of its Chicago properties for a proposed system of sewers on the west side of Chicago, north of Harrison Street. The original total assessment on all of the University properties involved was $2,745.60, payable infiveannual installments withfiveper cent interest. In accordance with the instructions of the Board, I directed the Legal Counsel to notify the assessors that while the University i not bound, under the law, to pay such assessments, the Board s of Trustees has always taken the ground that i would not stand in the way of public t improvements, and that i would voluntarily accept its share of this assessment on t condition that i assessments for this improvement which were protested were reduced, f the University's share would be correspondingly reduced. A report was made at the February meeting of a conference between the Legal Counsel and the Special Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago in charge of the law suit concerning this matter, at which an understanding was reached that the University would receive the benefit of reductions. The Legal Counsel reports that, owing to protests by a large number of property owners, the Court ordered a reduction of approximately twenty per cent. The original assessment against the University is, therefore, reduced by $549.15 to $2,196.45. The Legal Counsel i of the opinion that, in view of all the circumstances, the s amount indicated would be fair. The Supervising Architect and the Comptroller recommend, and I concur, that this assessment be accepted; I recommend further that the amount of the assessment be charged to the State Appropriation for Improvements Other Than Buildings and that i be so included in the budget, and that the Comptroller be authorized to make t the payment to the City of Chicago. On motion of Mr. Fisher, these recommendations were adopted.
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