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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

582 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 9 ESTIMATES OF COST OF PUBLIC-IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN URBANA (9) T h e Supervising Architect submits the following estimates, prepared by the City Engineer of Urbana, of the cost of certain public-improvement projects in which, in his opinion, the University should cooperate. T h e M a y o r of Urbana, in conference with m e , requested the cooperation of the University in these matters: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY ENGINEER OF URBANA SUBMITTED MARCH 13, 1930 1. Lincoln Ave. Storm drain from U. of I. outlet through Forestry to Boneyard 820 feet of 48 inch pipe 1750 feet of 51 inch pipe 285 feet of 54 inch pipe Total estimated cost $41 622 University share on basis of tributary area $26 805 2. Paving University Ave. along Illinois Field 57 feet wide and Romine St. from University Ave. to Main St. 37 ft. wide Total cost 24 962 University share on frontage basis 13 854 3. Paving Mathews Ave. 33 ft. wide with concrete from Springfield Ave. to south limit of present paving Total cost 46 701 University share on frontage basis 27 670 4. Paving Springfield1 Ave. from Wright to Mathews 37 ft. wide, and Romine St. from Springfield to Main St. 37 ft. wide Total cost 16 230 University share on frontage basis 18 295 ?86 624 I recommend that these estimates be received for record with the statement that the Board approves participation in projects 1, 2, and 3 if means permit. On motion of Mr. Trees, the following resolution was adopted. WHEREAS, the City of Urbana, Illinois, desires to improve M a t h e w s A v e n u e , University A v e n u e , a n d R o m i n e Street b y the construction of n e w pavements; and W H E R E A S , the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois finds that these improvements will be to the best interests of the University; therefore B E I T R E S O L V E D that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby accepts the assessments against University property for these paving improvements (as described above for University A v e n u e a n d R o m i n e Street, $13,854, a n d for M a t h e w s A v e n u e , $27,670) at a n estimated total a m o u n t of $41,524, subject to a n y rebates which m a y be properly d u e after the completion of the improvements; A N D B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D that the Board is favorable to t h e p r o p o s e d Lincoln A v e n u e s t o r m drainage s y s t e m . 'This item need not be given serious consideration at this time inasmuch as Champaign has not gone ahead with plans to pave its Springfield Avenue. (See letter of J.M.W., 3-21-1930.)
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