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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

574 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appendix I RESIDENCE HALLS SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS TO MARCH 15, 1 3 90 Woman's Residence Halls $ 2 017 11 [April 9 Total Summer Session Surplus f : 017 11 , Winter Term Surplus: September 12 to October 15, 1929 6 413 64 $ 758 19 7 171 83 October 15 to November 15, 1929 7 062 08 1 132 19 8 194 27 November 15 to December 15. 1929 5 457 31 851 64 6 308 95 December 15 to January is, 1930 3 637 24 530 63 4 167 87 January 15 to February 15, 1930 6 334 60 1 048 88 7 383 48 February ij to March 15, 1930 5 456 83 932 28 6 389 n Total Surplus from Operations, 1920-30 to March is, 1030 36 378 81 5 253 81 41 632 62 Deduct: Extraordinary RepairB, Equipment, Remodeling and August 15-Septeraber 15, 1929, Expense 5 287 04 4 477 63 9 764 67 Unused 1929-30 Surplus from Operations 31 091 77 776 18 31 867 95 Add: Balance forward June 15, 1929 • 150 960 70 12 439 77 163 400 47 Surplus as at March is, 1930 ti82 051 47 tfj 215 95 H195 268 42 Appendix II S T A T E M E N T O F M E M O R I A L STADIUM F U N D AS A T M A R C H 31, 1930 Receipts and Disbursements July 1,1020 Prior to to Total July 1, IQ2Q March 31,1030 to Dale Receipts From Subscriptions $1 672 098 35 $ 4 053 85 $1 676 152 20 From Donations 5 071 92 5 071 92 From Interest 27 109 06 199 79 27 308 85 From Loans 32 500 00 3 500 00* 29 000 00 Total Receipts 1 736 779 3 J 753 64 1 737 532 97" Disbursements Office Collection Expense 30 131 30 13' •Deduction Construction due to repayment of loan. 1 735 635 78 1 735 635 78 *To Disbursements Total be refunded by Athletic Association. $1 735 635 78 t 30 »3 t' 735 665 91 This Balance was867 06 Cash report 1 received for record. REPORT, CARTER-PENNELL FARMS Balance Sheet (42) Assets The annual report on the operation of the Carter-Pennell farms. OnCash motion of Mr. Armstrong, this report was referred to 1 867 06 $ the C o m m from Pledge n Agriculture for consideration a n d report. Due i t t e e o Installments PURCHASEInstallments Past Due OF MONOTYPE MACHINE $480 S69 19 (43) A request for authority to purchase a Monotype00composing19 Future Installments 3 239 484 10S machine for the Print from Athletic Association for Office Expense... not Due Shop at a cost (including freight, installation, and motor)30 13 to exceed 83500. The moneyAssetsthis purchase was appropriated in the special equipment#486 005 38 budget for Total for the current Surplus Liabililies andyear. Notes Payable 29 000 00 Excess of Assets (including Unpaid Pledges) over Liabilities <457 005 38 Davenport House
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