Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I93Q] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 573 Schedule H BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31, 1 3 90 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash with University Treasurer (Sch. C)... Petty Cash Funds Balance in State Appropriation (Sch. C) For Operation $1 367 95° 31 For Buildings 2 412 963 92 For Special Purposes 2 756 47 Stores and Service Departments (Sch. E)... Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund).. Accounts Receivable Estimated Income from: (Sch. B) Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and Capper-Ketcham U.S. Appropriations 22 500 00 State Board of Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 Fees 46 955 04 Agricultural Sales 40 221 64 Creamery Surplus 14 320 00 Trust Endowments 5 400 00 Miscellaneous 22 088 99 II. Trust Funds LIABILITIES A N D S U R P L U S Cash and University Treasurer (Sch. C)... I. General withBuilding Funds Notes Receivable Appropriation Balances (Sch. D ) Investments Encumbered $ 532 772 02 Stocks and Bonds Unencumbered 4 238 866 37 046 465 18 Land 46 550 00 Reserve for Extension Petty Cash Funds.., III. Endowmentfor Stores Reserve Fund Endowment Loan to(in possession of State Reserve for Fund Trust Fund Auditor) and Land Grant of 1862.. . . Residence Hallfrom Hospital Balances IV. Plant and Property Agricultural Income Unappropriated Plant and Property (July 1, 1929) Unappropriated Income (Reserve and ConTotal Fund) tingent Assets (Sch. A) II. Reserve for Trust Funds Due General Funds for Repayment of Loan Expendable Funds (Sch. G) Non-Expendable Funds (Sch. F) 468 329 36 Less: Loan from General Funds (above) 12 317 00 III. Reserve for Endowment Fund IV. Bonds and Surplus Dental Property Bonds Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 995 114 31 30 600 00 3 783 670 70 146 718 54 12 317 00 28 033 41 167 485 67 $ 5 163 939 63 158 965 69 177 957 82 $4 5 79 237 39 285 416 00 1 200 18 122 360 64 1 0317 00 9 1 9 12 1 8 3 241 852 09 1 3 7 00 2 1 16 854 12 1 4O O 3 5 I 3 622 339 69 649 012 91 4 60 2 3 5 1 6 23 64» 385 9» 190 n 8 39 $30 076 678 63 $ 5 «6.? 939 14 4 4 00 9 0 0 2 5» 9 5 9 3 9 8 1 456 012 36 622 339 69 649 012 91 .. . . 23 591 985 91 23 641 385 91 *3Q 076 678 14