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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

57° BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 9 Schedule B REALIZATION OF INCOME FOR OPERATIONS 1 2 - 0 TO MARCH 31, 1 3 993 90 Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealised Balance (See Sen. H ) State Funds From Mill Tax $1 750 000 00 $1 396 081 83 $1 353 916 17 From Genera] Revenue 2 015 000 00 2 000 967 86 14 032 14 Total, State (4 765 000 00) (3 397 049 69) (1 367 950 31) Federal Funds From U. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 34 239 624 34 Capper-Ketcham Fund 27 595 97 27 595 97 Hatch-Adams Funds. . 30 000 00 22 500 00 7 500 00 Purnell Fund 60 000 00 45 000 00 15 000 00 From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 32 450 66 Morrill-Nelson Funds 50 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 Total, Federal (45567097) (417 170 97) (3850000) •Deduct. Student Fees 860 000 00 813 044 96 46 955 04 Sales *No budget estimate set up. 'Credited direct to revolving accounts, not carried as separate items on Balance Sheet. Credited to Departments 8To be transferred from Creamery Operating Account June 30, 1930.763 62 Agriculture 120 680 00 101 18 916 38" •To be transferred Other Departments from Trust Funds June 30, 1930. 9 402 95 9 402 95*'.» Credited to Estimated Agricultural Sales 129 750 00 89 528 36 40 221 64 Credited to General Income 100 000 00 77 911 01 22 088 09 Credited to Estimated Income from Creamery Surplus • 14 320 00 14 320 oo' Total, Sales, etc (364 750 00) (278 605 94) (86 144 06) McKinley Endowment 5 400 00 5 400 00* Grand Total $6 450 820 97 $4 905 871 sS $1 544 949 41
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