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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930} U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 569 Educational Endowments $121 592 Student Loan Endowments (Of which $177,958 was outstanding in student notes at the end of the quarter) 182 150 Scholarship and Prize Endowments 84 556 Other Endowments 80 031 Total $468 329 Indebtedness on Property Outstanding indebtedness on University property at the end of the quarter consisted solely of 6 % bonds totalling $49,400 on the Dental Building in Chicago, due in 1932. Residence Halls A summary of the operations in the residence halls for the year to March 15, 1930, is shown as Appendix I. The balance from operations in the residence halls at the end of the quarter was $182,052, and in the Davenport House $13,216. Stadium Fund A n Appendix is included giving the report of the Memorial Stadium Fund, of which the Board of Trustees is custodian. (See Appendix II.) Lloyd Morey Comptroller Schedule A S T A T E M E N T OF RESERVE A N D C O N T I N G E N T F U N D FOR T H E Q U A R T E R E N D E D M A R C H 31. 1930 Balance forward December 31, 1930 $258 514 60 Add: Adjustments in Salary Budget Mechanical Engineering (Error in total in the Printed Budget, Board Minutes July 17, 1929, page 300) $ 50 00 Anatomy (Board Minutes October 10, 1929, page 398, appropriated $1,600.00, but $1,658.33 was set up) 5833 Lapsed 1928-29 Balances (previously carried forward to cover encumbrances but not used) 2 425 46 2 533 79 $261 048 39 Deduct; Reduction in Budget Appropriation of Federal CapperKetcham Funds 12 S7« SI Less: Reduction in Estimated Income (Board Minutes, February 20, 1930, page 531) 12 571 51 Appropriations made by Board of Trustees January 7 and n, 1930 Alumni Directory (Honorarium for C. J. Roseberry) (page 478) 1 000 00 President's House (page 492) 50 000 00 February 5, 1930 College of Medicine Reprints (page 509) 500 00 Automobile for President (page 523) 3 533 00 March 11, 1930 Alumni Directory (additional) 1 200 00 Archaeological Explorations (additional) 3 000 00 Graduate Research, Professor W. C. Rose 2 500 00 March 21, 1930 (Executive Committee) Chicago Building Operation (Retiring Allowance for Rudolph Meseck) 420 00 62 15; 00 Adjustments in Salary Budget Pathology and Bacteriology (to set up appropriation of December 4, 1929, page 448) 3 580 00 Physiologyio, 1929,1930, pageOskar17. in total inMinutes 320 00 Balance Marchz,Experiment(to398) upof Budget,pageofof Oc- z164000 8 775 00 gtoo ii» 39 Pharmacy17, Chemistry Schedule H) appropriation307) Physiological Board totalStation (error1929,BoardMinutes Dispensary(error 1930, page532) Chott, Board Minutes 820 00 Engineering31.20,in page (balance appropriation Printed Philosophy (Medicine) 461) 533) Kubitz, Board Decem- '75 00 tober (appointment 335) ber 1 (appointment of set February 1929,(to in Printed July Budget, 1930 Minutes July page of Irene 200 40 70 930 00
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