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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 571 Schedule C S U M M A R Y OF RECEIPTS A N D DISBURSEMENTS 1929-30 T O M A R C H 31, 1930 Balance Receipts July 1,1029 and State and AppropriDisburseBalance Adjustments aliens mints March 31,1930 Funds in Possession of University Treasurer GeneralFund $ 74157787 $184917309 #159563665 $ 995 114 31 Trust Fund 116 960 39 230710 14 188 704 84 158 965 69 Total (858 538 26) (2 079 883 23) (1 784 341 49) (1 154 080 00) State Appropriations For Operation Salaries and Wages 3 515 00000 2 461 081 82 1 053 918 18 Office Expense 150 000 00 123 120 ;8 26 879 42 Travel 35 000 00 29 867 23 5 132 77 Operation 485 000 00 351 719 62 133 280 38 Repairs 160 000 00 109 580 56 50 419 44 Equipment 290 000 00 233 685 87 56 314 13 Improvements 130 000 00 87 994 01 42 005 99 Total, Operation (4 765 000 00) (3 397 049 69) 0 367 95° i') For Buildings 1927-29 Library Building Addition.. 38 019 78 3B 019 78 Lincoln Hall Addition. .... 270 637 12 270 637 12 Materials Testing Laboratory 185 430 os 18s 430 os 1920-3 > Agricultural Buildings 115 000 00 32 980 66 82 019 34 Chemistry Annex 33S 000 00 13 333 28 321 666 72 Medical and Dental Laboratories 1 500 000 00 16 590 39 1 483 409 61 Power Plant Addition 250 000 00 8 947 51 241 052 49 Woman's Gymnasium 300 000 00 15 184 24 284 815 76 Total, Buildings (494 086 95) (2 500 000 00) (581 123 03) (2 412 963 92) For Special Purposes Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook County 1928-29 4'9 3° 419 30 1929-30 10 000 00 7 243 53 2 756 47 Total, State (494 506 25) (7 275 000 00) (3 985 83s 55) (3 783 670 7°) Grand Total tl 353 044 5' $9 354 883 23 $s 770 177 °4 *4 937 75" 7°
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