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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

568 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 9 It has been suggested that the remaining eight rugs be used in furnishing the new President's house and that domestic rugs be used in the furnishing of the Upper Parlors. This seems to m e to be a good suggestion. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect This report was received for record. LETTER FROM MR. GEORGE W. MCCASKRIN (40) A letter from Mr. George W . McCaskrin concerning the opening of sundry streets through the campus. This matter was referred to the President of the University. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (41) The report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending March 31, 1930. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 1930 SUMMARY Reserve and Contingent Fund The unappropriated balance of the Reserve and Contingent Fund (estimated excess of income of the year over appropriations) at the close of the quarter was $190,118, as per Schedule A. The balance at the corresponding date a year ago was $113,168. Budget Income Realization of the budget income for the quarter, as per Schedule B, was as follows: Per Cent of Year's Estimate Realized Estimate This Same Date For Year Year Last Year State Appropriations for Operation (Per Cent realized represents portion expended to March 31, 1930) $4765000 71.3 79.8 Federal Funds 455 67' 9i-5 87 2 Student Fees 860 000 94.5 93. 6 Agricultural Sales Credited to Revolving Accounts 135000 75.4 77.1 Credited to Budget Income 129750 69.0 82.3 Miscellaneous Sales and Receipts 100 000 77-9 79-3 Treasurer's Balance The cash balance in all funds held by the University Treasurer at the close of the quarter, allowing for outstanding warrants, was $1,154,080, Schedule C. O n the corresponding date a year ago, the balance was $1,386,300. Of the present balance, $995,114 represents general University funds, Federal funds, and residence hall funds, and $158,966 represents trust funds. Budget Expenditures Board appropriations to departments for the currentfiscalyear total $6,270,055, including salaries $4,120,509, expense and equipment $2,149,546. These were 69.2% expended at the end of the quarter, and 2.1% encumbered. (Included in Schedule D.) O n the corresponding date a year ago these appropriations were 69.8% expended and 2.1% encumbered. Trust Funds Endowment funds from private gifts for special purposes (see Schedule F ) are distributed as follows:
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