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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93o] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 565 The basis for this action is the report of a special committee of the Council consisting of Deans Thompson and Harno and Director Huff, which was appointed to consider the matter. The report of the committee indicated that all but seven of twenty-four institutions which had been written allow some form of Sunday sports. The report also indicated that there was no objection on the part of local pastors or members of the Dads' Association, who had been written, to the specific things which the students asked for in their petition to the Board of Trustees. Sincerely yours, Thomas Arkle Clark Secretary On motion of Mr. Trees, seconded by Mrs. Grigsby, the Board adopted the recommendation of the Council of Administration that the University tennis courts and golf course be open for recreation on Sundays after one o'clock. PUBLIC HIGHWAY THROUGH ELIZABETHTOWN E X P E R I M E N T FIELD (34) A request from the Department of Public Works and Buildings of Illinois for a right-of-way through a portion of the Agricultural Experimental Field located near Elizabethtown for public road purposes. The location of this road through the field has been laid out by the State and local officials in consultation with representatives of the Agricultural Experiment Station staff in such a way that it will not seriously interfere with the experimental work in progress. The Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station recommends that permission be given the Department of Public Works to cut a highway through this field. This land was deeded to the University for educational purposes. The deed provides, in substance, that i the property ceases for twenty-four months or more to f be used as an experimental field, title shall revert to the grantor. The Legal Counsel reports that the Board has legal power to join the grantor of the land in a conveyance of an easement granting a right-of-way through thisfieldand submits the document to be executed by the Board and by Mr. Robert A. Ledbetter, Trustee, who signed for the original donors. I recommend that the Board of Trustees join in this conveyance. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted, b y the following vote: A y e , M r . A r m s t r o n g , President Barr, M r s . E v a n s , M r s . Grigsby, D r . N o b l e , M r . Trees; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher, M r . S i m p s o n . REDISTRIBUTION OF BALANCES IN PHYSICAL PLANT EXTENSION BUDGET (35) The Supervising Architect requests the following redistribution of balances in the budget for Physical Plant Extension for 1929-30, as approved July 17, 1919 (Minutes, page 335). The reason is that in some lines the demand has been less than we anticipated and in others larger: 1. Transfer the free balance of $4500 remaining in the assignment for "Heat, Light, and Power Improvements" to the assignment for "Furniture and Fixtures." 2. Appropriate $6,000 provided for paving and lighting assessments under "General" which was not necessary this year, for the purchase of additional refrigeration in the Vivarium Building. 3. Transfer the free balance of $7,000 remaining in the other assignments under "General" to "Campus Improvements." I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , these transfers w e r e authorized. CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTS (36) The Supervising Architect has secured the following bids on architectural and the hedges which are being were designed the south campus M r . Piatt landscape ornaments which planted around by Mr. Vitale and buildings: to terminate
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