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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

566 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 9 Architectural Decorating Co., Chicago $2 000 (Unit prices for piers $20.00 (Unit prices for benches 30.00 Geo. Rackle & Sons Co., Cleveland 2 512 Chicago Architectural Stone Co., Chicago 2 800 These bids were made on the basis of 70 piers and 20 seats. They are to be of artificial stone. The Supervising Architect recommends the award of the contract to the Architectural Decorating Company of Chicago for 65 piers and 20 seats at a total price of $1900, the cost to be paid from the Physical Plant Extension Budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Trees, this contract was awarded as recommended. INSURANCE ON CHEMISTRY BUILDING ANNEX (37) On March 11 (Minutes, page 542), the Board authorized the placing of fire and tornado insurance on the Chemistry Building Annex, during its construction, with the Fidelity-Phoenix Fire Insurance Company through the Hayes-Atkinson Agency and Burt-Rovelstad Company at a rate of $.38 per $100. The Comptroller reports that the rate mentioned was quoted by a State agent of the company on w h o m the local agents relied in submitting their proposals and that the company is now unwilling to write the insurance at that rate and has declined to accept the order. The next low bidder for this insurance was Boggs & Cogdal representing the Hartford Fire Insurance Company or the Phoenix Company of Hartford at a rate of J.432 per Jioo less 10 per cent or a net cost of $.3888 per $100. The companies offered are old, strong, and reliable. The Comptroller recommends, and I concur, that he be authorized to place the insurance with the Hartford Fire Insurance Company and the Phoenix Company of Hartford through the Boggs and Cogdal Agency on the basis indicated. O n motion of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. ENTRANCE, GRADUATION. AND SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF LAW (38) On recommendation of the Faculty of the College of Law, the University Senate recommends the following changes in the requirements for admission and graduation in the College of Law, and also the addition of certain scholarship requirements: Admission The following persons only are admitted as candidates for law degrees: 1. Graduates of Colleges and Universities of approved standing. 2. Students in the University of Illinois of senior standing having at least an average grade of C (3) who are permitted to select courses in law for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or for the degree of Bachelor of Science. Scholarship Requirements The grades given at the end of each course are indicated by the letters A, B, C, D, and E. These respectively represent the standing of students as Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, and Failure. For the purpose of computing the average grade of a student a system is employed in which the following values are assigned to the grades received: A equals 5; B equals 4; C equals 3; D equals 2; E equals 1. A student in the College of L a w will be dropped from the University: (1) If at the end of his first year of residence he has not secured an average of 3 in his work; (2) i at the end of his second year he has not secured an average of 3 in all f of the law work he has taken up to that time; (3) i he fails in any semester to pass f eight hours of the work in which he registered; or i he fails in a summer session to f pass in four hours; (4) i registered in less than eight hours in a semester, or in less f than four hours in a summer session, he does not pass in all his work. A student, who at only by special permission law study, will be permitted purpose of in this in all law work taken by him in this Universitypetition. For the to continue deterCollege the end of his third year ofgranted on has failed to secure an average of 3
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