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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

564 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [April 9 than steam railroads). This is a renewal of a gift made for this purposefiveyears ago by these companies. i. From the National Research Council an appropriation of $i,Joo toward the support of investigations on the amino acids which are being conducted by Professor W . C. Rose of the Department of Chemistry. This fund will be available for a twoyear period and payments of $375 will be made semi-annually. 3. From the family of the late Professor Stephen Alfred Forbes 490 bound volumes, 27 unbound volumes, and 159 pamphlets—all from Professor Forbes's library. 4. From Professor and Mrs. Morgan Brooks two bookcases which are good examples of the period to which they belong, and which are excellent examples of workmanship. They will be valuable and interesting as exhibits either in the Residence Halls or the H o m e Economics Department. This report w a s received for record. PROFESSIONAL. DEGREE OF ENGINEER-PHYSICIST (30) A recommendation from the University Senate, that the degree of EngineerPhysicist be established and offered as one of the professional second degrees in engineering following the degree of bachelor of science in Engineering Physics. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Trees, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. PATENT OF HIGH-VOLTAGE CABLE TEST (31) For the past year or two Professor E. B. Paine of the Department of Electrical Engineering has been working on a method of testing high-voltage cables, one of the research projectsfinancedby the Utilities Research Commission. Honorable W . L. Abbott, Chairman of the Commission, is of the opinion that the method is patentable, that it would have some commercial value, and he suggests that the University take steps to protect it. M y advisory committee on Patents recommends accordingly. I recommend that Professor Paine be authorized to file an application for a patent covering his discovery on condition that it be assigned to the University. O n motion of D r . Noble, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. PATENT OF METHODS OF PURIFYING WATER FOR ICE-MAKING PURPOSES (32) Doctor Dana Burks, Jr., Special Research Associate in Chemical Engineering, has been working on the purification of water for ice-making purposes. This is one of the projects financed by the Utilities Research Commission. H e has developed two methods—one for the freezing of a clear ice block, and the other relating to the chemical treatment of water, both of which, according to the advice of our Patent Attorney are patentable. I recommend that Doctor Burks be authorized to apply for patents entitled as follows: "A N e w Procedure in the Production of Artificial Ice." "A N e w Method for the Reduction of Total Solids from a Solution Containing Sodium Bicarbonate or Carbonate." on condition that they be assigned to the University. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. PETITION FOR SUNDAY SPORTS (33) The following recommendation from the Council of Administration on the petition from the Inter-fraternity Council and the Woman's League of the University for the use of certain recreational facilities on Sunday. This petition was presented to the Board on March n , 1930 (Minutes, page 538), and referred by the Board to the President of the University and the Council of Administration for investigation and report: April 2, 1930 Dr. David Kinley, President Dear Mr. President: after the Council of tennis courts and golf course be open for the Board of Sundays that The University Administration has voted to recommend torecreation on Trustees one o'clock.
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