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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 547 O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this contract was awarded to King & Petry, the lowest bidders, as recommended. STANDING C O M M I T T E E S , 1930-31 The l s of standing committees of the Board, appointed by Presit ident Barr on March 20, 1930, in accordance with the By-Laws, is as follows: Buildings and Grounds—James W. Armstrong, Chairman, William L. Noble, Helen M. Grigsby, Frank H. Simpson, Merle J. Trees. Finance—Merle J. Trees, Chairman, Walter T. Fisher, Mary E. Busey. Engineering—Frank H. Simpson, Chairman, William L. Noble, Mary E. Busey. Agriculture—Mary E. Busey, Chairman, Frank H. Simpson, Helen M. Grigsby. Chicago Departments—William L. Noble, Chairman, Merle J. Trees, Walter T. Fisher. Student Welfare—Laura B. Evans, Chairman, James W. Armstrong, Merle J. Trees. Instruction—Helen M. Grigsby, Chairman, Walter T. Fisher, Francis G. Blair. Library—Walter T. Fisher, Chairman, William L. Noble, Helen M. Grigsby. Alumni—James W. Armstrong, Chairman, Laura B. Evans, Mary E. Busey. Physical Education—Merle J Trees, Chairman, Laura B. Evans, Frank H. . Simpson. USE O F A L U M N I A D D R E S S LIST Mr. Fisher, for the Committee on Alumni, presented the following report: The Committee recommends that the request of the Alumni Association to renew the contracts mentioned in M r . Roseberry's letter of February 4, 1930 (see page 520), be approved; provided that the University of Illinois shall not be mentioned, directly or indirectly, in the advertising mailed out in the envelopes addressed by the Alumni. W. T. Fisher George A. Barr O n motion of Mr. Fisher, this recommendation was adopted. C O M M I T T E E O N P A T E N T S — B U S W E L L PROCESS Mr. Armstrong, for the Special Committee on Patents, presented a revised form of contract for the development of the Buswell process. This matter was discussed in detail. O n motion of Mr. Fisher, Mr. Trees was added to the Special Committee on Patents. O n motion of Mr. Trees, the proposed contract was authorized, substantially as drawn, and was referred to the special committee to negotiate the terms of section 16 and to report thefinalcontract to the Executive Committee for final action. PLANS FOR PRESIDENT'S H O U S E Professor White presented the revised plans for the President's house. O n motion of Mr. Trees, the Supervising Architect was authorized to proceed with the plans and specifications on the basis of the general layout as presented, and to prepare to take bids (omitting the garage and the conservatory for the present) on the basis of fireproof construction up to and including the second floor. APRIL M E E T I N G O n motion of Mr. Trees, i was voted to hold the April meeting in t Urbana, at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 9, 1930.
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