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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

542 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March u in this project since the district would cross the Percival Farm recently purchased by the University. After careful study the Supervising Architect, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, and myself are agreed that action on this request should be deferred, at any rate until it is clear that a majority of the land owners are favorable to the project. It w a s voted, o n motion of M r . A r m s t r o n g , that n o action b e taken o n this matter at present. AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR USE OF CABLES (16) The University has an agreement with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company whereby it rents to the Company ninety-three pairs of underground cable conductors owned by the University and located on the campus. The number of conductors rented has been decreased to ninety-two and the Comptroller submits a new contract revised accordingly. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary be authorized to execute this contract for the University. On motion of Mr. Fisher, this recommendation was adopted. INSURANCE ON CHEMISTRY BUILDING ANNEX (17) The contracts for the Chemistry Building Annex provide that fire and tornado insurance shall be carried by the University during the period of construction. Following our practice, established when the University itself began to carry insurance on buildings under construction, the Comptroller advertised for and received the following quotations on this insurance: Agency Company (1) Quotation of $.38 per $100 per year Hayes-Atkinson Agency Fidelity-Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. Burt-Rovelstad Company Fidelity-Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. (2) Quotation of $3,888 per Jiooo per year Boggs and Cogdal Hartford Fire Ins. Co. Phoenix Co. of Hartford (3) Quotation of $.432 per $100 per year Hargis and Hensley London and Scottish Assurance Corporation, Ltd., London Michigan Fire and Marine, Detroit D. G. Swannell Liverpool and London Globe, Eng. Northern Assurance Co., Eng. Palatine Ins. Co. of Eng. Lincoln Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. Victory Ins. Co. of Philadelphia Alliance Ins. Co. of Philadelphia Monier and Morrissey Great American Ins. Co., N. Y. U. S. Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. Beers and Beers Springfield Fire and Marine St. Paul Fire and Marine National Security Fire Ins. Co. N. Y. Underwriters Ins. Co., N. Y. Firemans Fund Fire Ins. Co., Calif. Gardner Agency Westchester Fire Ins. Co., N. Y, Ralph M . Campbell Southern Fire Ins. of N. Y. VV. R. Hidy Hartford Fire Ins. Co. H o m e Ins. Co., N. Y. Ins. Co. of N. America of Philadelphia Aetna Ins. Co. of Hartford J. Ray Stanner Standard Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford BurtonMcLean and Trelease AmericanofFire Ins.London N. Philadelphia A. H. E. Wilcox Harry D. Brown Mark FirstIns..OfficeCo.,Co., Trenton Sun Co.Fire Ins. Co. of Philadelphia Firemen'sFire Co.America of Y. Standard Ins. of Co. of Countym Ins. Ins.of Newark Ins. A North Newark
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