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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 541 Impact in Steel Structures Testing High Voltage Cables Enamel Baked in Gas Furnaces In addition to the above, payments have been received during the past year from the following in continuation of gifts previously accepted by the Board. These were originally outright gifts for specific purposes and no agreements were executed covering them: 1. Chemical Foundation for sanitary research, J 1,000 for the year 1929-30. 2. Calumet Baking Powder Company for fellowship and research, $1,000 for the year 1929-30. T h i s report w a s received for record. DIRECTORS OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (13) A recommendation that the following be appointed Directors of the Athletic Association of the University to serve until March, 1931, or until their successors shall have been elected: Director George Huff, Champaign Judge O. A. Harker, Champaign Professor F. A. Russell, Urbana Mr. J. P. Kratz, Monticello Mr. W . E. C. Clifford, Champaign O n motion of M r . Trees, these appointments were m a d e as recommended. CORRECTION OF ERROR IN RESOLUTION CONCERNING WRIGHT STREET (14) A report from the Legal Counsel that the resolution concerning Wright Street, adopted by the Board at the adjourned session of the February meeting held February 20, 1930, contains a misdescription due to a typographical error which occurred in the office of the City Attorney of Champaign. It appears that in the legal description of the section of the land involved thefigure18 instead of the figure 7 is used. The City Attorney, through his representative, Mr. E. C. Harrington, requests that this matter be brought to your attention and a resolution adopted correcting the error and authorizing the City of Champaign to record the corrected resolution. The Legal Counsel recommends, and I concur, that the following resolution be adopted. O n m o t i o n of M r s . Grigsby, the following resolution1 w a s adopted. AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION CONCERNING WRIGHT STREET W H E R E A S , at the adjourned session of the Board of Trustees on February 20, 1930, a resolution was adopted approving and confirming the action of the Trustees of Illinois Industrial University taken in the year 1 867 with reference to the relocation of Wright Street as in such resolution described; and W H E R E A S , it appears that through a typographical error the description of the propertv involved is given as in section 18 instead of in section 7: N O W , T H E R E F O R E , B E I T R E S O L V E D that the resolution adopted as aforesaid by the Board on February 20, 1930, be and the same is amended by striking from the second paragraph thereof, the third line of description, the word eighteen and thefigure18 in parenthesis and inserting in lieu thereof the word seven with the figure 7 in parenthesis. B E I T F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D that the City of Champaign be authorized at JA copy to refile and was sent the aforesaid resolution as thus amended and its election of this resolutionrerecord to the City Attorney of Champaign on March is, 1930. corrected. EMBARRASS RIVER DRAINAGE DISTRICT (15) The Supervising Architect reports that a petition is in circulation for the formation of a drainage district which will improve the stream known as the Embarrass River from its source west of the Stadium to a point west of Tolono about a mile south of the Wabash Railroad, and that through him the University was requested to join
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