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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 51 the deans, I have conferred on this matter at various stages, to distribute the total among the items prescribed by the State budget law in such proportions as our needs seem to demand. In view of all these considerations, I submit the following as the budget which, i seems to me, may well be adopted by the Board, sent in proper form t to the Department of Finance, and recommended to the Legislature: SUGGESTED UNIVERSITY BUDGET FOR 1929-31 For Operation Per Year Present Proposed Salaries and Wages $3 275 000 $3 515 000 Travel 40 000 35 000 Office expense, including printing and publications 140 000 150 000 Operation 46s coo 485 coo Repairs 160 000 160 000 Equipment 290000 290000 Improvements other than new buildings 130 000 130 coo Total, per year $4 515 000 $4 765 000 Journalismfor biennium 15 000 Total 9 030 000 9 530 000 For Buildings For additions to the Boiler House with equipment, new deep well, and Filtration Plant Woman's Gymnasium Chemistry Annex Agricultural Buildings (a) For completion of cattle feeding plant $75 000 (b) Agronomy Seed House 40 000 Special appropriation for Medical and Dental LaboraTotal tories $250000 300 000 335 000 115 000 $2 500 000 1 500 000 I recommend that the above requests be approved as the ones to be submitted to the Department of Finance and to the Legislature for the coming biennium 1929-31, and, unless your Board desires to follow a different procedure this time, that the President be directed to prepare and secure the introduction of a bill for appropriations to the University from the State in accordance therewith and to take charge of the matter from now on. Action on this matter was deferred. A t this point, M r . Trees withdrew. PAVING I M P R O V E M E N T S M r . Barr presented the following report: A meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was held in Chicago on Saturday, October 13, 1928. Present, Mr. George A. Barr, Chairman; Mrs. Grigsby, and Dr. Noble. O n motion of Dr. Noble, the Committee voted to recommend that the improvement of Springfield Avenue and University avenue be urged, and that the University express to the cities of Urbana and Champaign its willingness to bear its part of the expense. H. E. Cunningham, Clerk George A. Bark Helen M. Grigsby W . L. Noble O n motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was adopted.
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