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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5^3 Amortized Board AuthoriPurchase Book sation for Pr a Description Value Rale Value Purchase 20 000 9M 88 75 Kansas City Terminal Railroad Company, 3M 89 00 First Mortgage Bonds, 4 % due January 6M 9° 75 2M 91 25 17 977 00 September 20, 1, i960 1928 20 @ Si 000, Numbers: 49470-1, 10561, 26801, 27771, 36334. 255I7, 44174-79 10 500 10M 102 50 5C 101 75 10 749 98 March 12, 1929 incl., 35878, 10538-9, 49232-5 Swift and Company, FirBt Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, 5 % due July 1, 1944 10 @ 5iooo, Numbers: M21088, 21090, 1 000 101 00 1 010 So September 20, 1928 8696, 8699, 8697, 8698, 6907, 21089, 11421, 11420 1 @ $500, Number: D4689 99 10 99 IO Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis, First Mortgage Bonds, \W7„ due Oct98 i«» 590 63 September 18, 60 0 ober 1, 1939 1929 1 @ $1 000, Number: 4433 United States of America First Liberty Bond 10 000 iM 102 75 10 362 70 September 20, * H % due June 15, 1947 1928 iM 103 00 +M 103 50 1 @ $100, Number: E00729375 103 iM 104 75 United States of America Fourth Liberty Loan 3M 00 Bonds 4 & % due October 15, 1928 1 @ $500, Number; 001057014 1 @ Jioo, Number: J06187609 West Penn Power Company First Mortgage Gold Bonds, 5 % due March 1, 1963 9 @ $1 000, Numbers: M>466-8,1633, 3320, 4825. 7798-9. 7800 2 @ $500, Numbers: D483, 537 Savings Account, Trevett-Mattis Banking 11 17 Company I have this day inspected the securities held in escrow by the Trevett-Mattis Banking C o m p a n y and find that they are as listed above and correspond with the records of this office. H. M. Edwards Acting Comptroller On motion of Dr. Noble, this report was received for record. APPROPRIATION FOR AUTOMOBILE President Armstrong called attention to the fact that, although the purchase of an automobile for the use of the President of the University and his family was authorized at the January meeting (page 480), no appropriation was made. He read a letter from Professor White stating that the amount necessary, after providing for a heater and allowing for the exchange of the old car at $900, was $3535. On motion of Mr. Fisher, an appropriation of $3S35 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund was made for this purpose, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Emmerson, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Trees. COMMITTEE ON SELECTION OF A PRESIDENT Mr. Barr made a detailed oral report on the work of the special Committee on the Selection of a President of the University. He stated that the Committee had invited the Alumni Association and the University Senate to appoint committees to cooperate with the Board the cooperating committees and by had had appointed committees as requested. and that Committee haditself. The meetings of the committee, The Board these organizationsseveralPresident with
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