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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

49* BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January n Liabilities and Surplus I. General and Building Funds Appropriation Balances (Sen. D) Encumbered $ 366 209 22 Unencumbered 5 754 770 95 £6 120 980 17 Reserve for Extension Petty Cash Funds 1 200 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 Reserve for Loan to Trust Fund 12 317 00 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 192 740 69 Unappropriated Agricultural Income 16 674 12 Unappropriated Income (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sen. A) 25S 514 60 $6 724 787 22 II, Reserve for Trust Funds Due General Funds for Repayment of Loan 12 317 00 Expendable Funds (Sen. F) 169 762 82 Appendix I Non-Expendable Funds (Sch. G) , 464 818 . RESIDENCE HALLS 08 Less: Loan from General U M M A (above). OPERATIONS 12 317 00 452 501 oS 634 590 90 S Funds R Y OF III. Reserve for Endowment Fund TO D E C E M B E R 15, 1929 777 Davenport 649 012 9' House Total IV. Bonds and Surplus Woman's $2 017 11 Dental Property Bonds 400 00 Residence 49 $ 758 19 7 171 S3 I M 2 19 S 19+ 27 Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets 23 91 23 6 122 81 Halls 591 985851 4; 641 385 91 Total Liabilities $31 649 7"6 94 Summer Session Surplus. and Surplus $2 017 n Winter Term Surplus: September 12 to October 15, 1929 6 413 64 October 15 to November 15, 1929 7 062 08 November 15 to December 15, 1929 5 471 39 Total Surplus from Operations 1929-30 to December 15, 1929 20 964 22 2 741 So 23 706 02 Deduct: Appendix II Extraordinary Repairs, M E N T O F MRemodeling andA D I U M F U N D S T A T E Eauipment, E M O R I A L S T August ^-September 15, 1929 ExpenseM B E R 31. 19*9 039 61 4 440 64 9 480 25 5 AS A T D E C E Unusedand Disbursements Operations 1929-30 Surplus from 15 924 61 1 698 64* 14 225 77 Receipts Add: July 1,102Q to Balance forward June 15, 1929 , 163 Prior150 960 70 12 31, 77 Total 400 47 to December 439 Surplus as at December 15, 1929 gi66 885 31 gio 740 93 #177 626 24 July 1, 1929 IQ2Q to Date *Deduct-Deficit. Receipts From Subscriptions From Donations From Interest From Loans due to repayment of loan. •Deduction Totalbe refunded by Athletic Association. lTo Receipts Disbursements Office Collection Expense Construction Total Disbursements Cash Balance 2 260 23 $1 672 098 35 #3 5*3 35 $* 675 6ri 70 5 071 92 5 071 92 27 109 06 130 93 27 239 99 32 500 00 2 500 00* 30 000 00 1 736 779 33 1 144 28 1 737 923 61 27 601 1 735 635 78 $27 60 £1 735 663 38 27 6ol 1 735 635 78 $1 735 635 78
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