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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 493 Balance Sh(d Assets Cash , $ 2 260 23 Due from Pledge Installments Past Due Installments 481 289 69 Future Installments 3 359 00 484 648 69 Due from Athletic Association for Office Expense. . . 27 601 Total Assets $486 936 52 Liabilities and Surplus Notes Payable. 30 000 00 Excess of Assets (including Unpaid Pledges) over Liabilities $456 936 52 lTo be refunded by Athletic Association. T h i s report w a s received for record. P L A N T O F I N A N C E DORMITORIES FOR M E N O n motion of Dr. Noble, the President of the Board was authorized to appoint a special committee of three members to investigate a plan suggested forfinancingthe erection of dormitories for men, and to report to the Board. President Armstrong appointed Dr. Noble, Mr. Fisher, and M r . Trees to serve on this committee. APPROPRIATION F O R PRESIDENT'S H O U S E O n motion of Mr. Barr, seconded by Dr. Noble, an appropriation of $50,000 was made, from the Reserve and Contingent Fund, toward the building of a residence for the President of the University. The vote was as follows: Aye, President Armstrong, M r . Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, M r . Fisher, Dr. Noble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Emmerson, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Simpson, M r . Trees. RESOLUTION C O N C E R N I N G BURR1LL A V E N U E O n motion of M r . Barr, the following resolution was adopted: W H E R E A S the Avenue leading from Springfield Avenue south from the Gymnasium Annex, formerly known as the Old Armory, around University Hall and in front of the Administration Building, the Woman's Building, Lincoln Hall, the new Library, the new Commerce Building, and so on south to the street known as Pennsylvania Avenue (formerly Maple Avenue) was years ago named Burrill Avenue in honor of one of the most distinguished members of the Faculty, who served through many years as Head of the Department of Botany and for a time as Acting President of the University, A N D W H E R E A S of late there has grown up a practice of naming a part of this Avenue, "Broad Walk" for the reason that a portion of it has been closed to vehicle traffic, NOW T H E R E F O R E B E IT R E S O L V E D by the Board of Trustees that the Board reaffirms the decision to name this Avenue, Burrill Avenue, and requests all connected with the University and others to retain and use this name in their publications and conversations. It would be a great misfortune to have the name of this distinguished member of the Faculty, this great scientist, forgotten in connection with any part of the Avenue dedicated to his name and fame.
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