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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 49I Schedule F SUMMARY OF TRUST ENDOWMENT FUNDS AS AT DECEMBER ji, 1 2 99 Separate Investments Group and Invest' Cash Total Receivables ments Balances Professorial and Lectureship Endowments $121 186 16 $105 000 00 £14 686 16 $1 500 00 Student Loan Endowments 179 044 94 174 744 74 4 300 20 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Endowments. . 84 556 27 27 427 17 57 129 10 . Miscellaneous Endowments 80 030 71 73 550 00 6 480 71 Sub-total 464 818 08 380 721 91 78 295 97 5 800 20 Cash Balances Subject to Group Investment —141 55 141 55 Schedule G 818 08 $380 721 91 $78 154 42 $5 941 75 Grand Total £464 S U M M A R Y OF E X P E N D A B L E TRUST A N D SPECIAL F U N D S AS AT D E C E M B E R 31, 1929 Total Fund EncumFree Balance (Cash) brances Balance Professorial and Lectureship Endowments Income $ 4 90s 82 $ 4 90s 82 Student Loan Endowments Income (subject to annuity) 173 44 173 44 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Endowments Income 2 999 96 2 999 96 Miscellaneous Endowments Income 3 183 34 $ 450 68 2 732 66 Building and Improvement Funds 661 30 13 14 648 t6 Research Donations. 42 437 47 4 433 75 38 003 72 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Donations 6 619 62 6 619 62 Other Expendable Funds 37 257 57 15 90 37 241 67 Schedule H Deposit Funds 71 524 30 1 399 40 70 124 90 BALANCE SHEET AS A T Grand Total £169 762 82 t6 312 87 JJ163 449 95 D E C E M B E R 31, 1929 Assets I. General and Building Funds Cash in Possession of University Treasurer (Sch. C) $ 855 232 07 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Balance in State Appropriation (Sch. C) For Operation $2 3 86 996 40 For Buildings 2 441 281 57 For Special Purposes 4 565 19 4 832 843 16 Stores and Service Departments (Sch. E) 196 900 62 Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund) 12 317 00 Accounts Receivable. 39 492 82 Estimated Income from: Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and Capper-Ketcham U. S. Appropriations 184 895 91 Interest on Endowment (Land Grant of 1862) 16 225 33 State Board of Vocational Education (SmithHughes) 16 000 00 Fees 409 375 79 Agricultural Sales 62 811 34 Creamery Surplus 14 320 00 Trust Endowments 5 400 00 Miscellaneous 48 373 18 757 401 55 * 6 724 787 22 II. Trust Funds Cash (Sch. C) 175 704 57 Notes Receivable 173 394 74 Investments Stocks Assets 238 931 00 III. Plant and Property (in possession of State Auditor)46 550Land 285 481 59 1*31634 580 9091 IV. Endowment Fund1862 (July i, 1929) Endowment Fund Plant andand Bonds Land property Grant of Total from 59 23649 012 91 649 766 94 641 385
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