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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

486 board of trustees [January 11 VENTILATING CONTRACT, CHEMISTRY ANNEX (4) A letter from Professor White: January 11, 1930 Chemistry Annex President David Kinley, 355 Administration { W ) Dear President Kinley: I a m enclosing a schedule of the bids received thi9 morning for the Ventilating equipment in the Chemistry Annex, and recommend that the contract be awarded to Harry Derrough of Champaign, the low bidder, at his bid of $4,450.00. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect BIDS O N VENTILATION A—If Buffalo Forge Co. fans are substituted, add or deduct B—If American Blower Co. fans are substituted, add or deduct C—If Clarage Fan Co. fans are substituted, add or deduct A JB C Bidders Bid Add Deduct Add Add 1. Harry Derrough $4 450 00 $35 00 2. Carstens Bros 4 465 00 $200 00 50 00 $300 00 3. Carson-Payson Co 4 609 00 4. Johnson Bros 4 628 00 35 00 5. Eichler Heating Co 4 637 00 5 5 00 116 00 6. Hayes Bros 4 700 00 11 o 00 19 00 7. Ryan Heating Co 4 814 00 50 00 15 00 118 00 8. Kaiser Co 5 365 00 78 00 65 00 n o 00 9. Minneapolis Roofing Co 5 785 00 $100 00 10. Sodemann Heating Co 6 242 00 65 00 111 00 11. Haines Co 7 044 00 O n motion of D r . Noble, this contract w a s awarded to Harry Derrough, the lowest bidder, as recommended. ELEVATOR CONTRACT, CHEMISTRY ANNEX (5) A letter from Professor White: January 11, 1930 Chemistry Annex President David Kinley, jjj Administration (W) Dear President Kinley: The following is a schedule of the bids received this morning for the elevator in the Chemistry Annex: Bidders Bid Warner Elevator Co., Cincinnati $5 980 00 Montgomery Elevator Co., Moline 6 750 00 Shepard Elevator Co., Cincinnati 6 950 00 Otis Elevator Co., Chicago 7 100 00 Westinghouse Elevator Co., Chicago 7 862 00 I recommend that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, the Warner Elevator Company, at their bid of $5,980.00. Yours truly, James M . White Supervising Architect On motion of Mrs. Evans, this contract was awarded to the Warner Elevator Company, the lowest bidder, as recommended. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR FREDERICK GREEN (6) A recommendation that Professor Frederick Green of the College of Law be given sickO n motion of M r . Barr, this leaveGreen has undergone an operation. leave of absence beginning January 6, the a s granted. of the President of the University. Professor wperiod of absence to be at the discretion
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