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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 485 Johnson Bros., Champaign $16 265 00 Federal Engineering Co., Chicago 16 738 00 Ryan Plumbing & Heating Co., Davenport 17 435 00 Carson-Payson Co., Danville 17 639 00 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., Champaign 19 826 00 Hayes Bros., Indianapolis 19 987 00 Weil & Sons Co., Chicago 16 500 00 I recommend that the contract be awarded to Johnson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Co. of Champaign, the low bidder, at their bid of $16,265.00. Yours truly, James M . White Supervising Architect On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this contract was awarded to Johnson Brothers, the lowest bidders, as recommended. HEATING CONTRACT, CHEMISTRY ANNEX (3) A letter from Professor White: January 11, 1930 Chemistry Annex President David Kinky, jjj Administration (W) Dear President Kinley: I a m enclosing a schedule of the bids received for the Heating installation in the Chemistry Annex, and recommend that the award of the contract be made on the basis of the low bid from the Reliable Plumbing & Heating Company, of $15,153.50, which is a deduction of $753.50 from their base bid of $15,907.00 for substituting National Regulator Company's temperature regulation for that of the Johnson Regulator Company specified. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect BIDS ON HEA TING Alternate No. 1—If Powers Regulator Co. temperature regulation is substituted nate nate Alternate No. 2—If National Regulator Co. temperature regulation is substituted 3 No. 1 No. 1 Alternate No. Bid Alternate No. Bidders 3—If American Blower Co. unit heaters are Deduct Add Deduct Add used 1. Reliable Plbg.&Htg. Co., ChamAlter- Alter$744 00 ?753 5° $315 00 paign $15 907 00 767 00 777 00 2. Johnson Bros., Champaign 16 065 00 770 00 770 00 3. Eichler Heating Co., St. Louis.. 16 447 00 698 00 797 °° $845 00 4. Hayes Bros., Indianapolis 17 235 00 700 00 500 00 5. Carson-Payson Co., Danville. . . 17 998 00760 00 700 00 6. Carstens Bros., Aclcley, la 19 255 00 700 00 710 00 7. Ryan Plbg. & Htg. Co., Daven1 341 00 port, Iowa 19 535 00 698 00 725 00 1 000 00 8. Sodemann Heat & Power Co., St. Louis 20 747 00 9. W m . V. Hoier Co., Chicago.... 21 450 00 O n motion of M r s . Busey, this contract w a s awarded to the R e liable Plumbing a n d Heating C o m p a n y , the lowest bidder, at $15,I53-5°) as recommended.
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