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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 483 weights, and butterfat content of each member producer making deliveries for the party of the second part. Hauling charges to be deducted by the party of the first part and paid to the hauler as authorized by member producers and accounting thereof made to the party of the second part. 6. This agreement to become operative fifteen days from the time it is officially approved by the party of thefirstpart and the party of the second part except that non-member producers now delivering milk to the Dairy Plant of the party of the first part m a y have the option of continuing to deliver milk to the party of thefirstpart under the present verbal understanding with them for sixty days from the time of the acceptance of this instrument. 7. This agreement is to continue in full force and effect until January 1, 1931, renewable, however, from year to year thereafter and cancellable on sixty days notice by either party before the termination of the term. I N W I T N E S S W H E R E O F , the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their proper officers in their official capacity and the corporate seal hereunto affixed at Urbana, Illinois, this day of . Approved B O A R D OF TRUSTEES OF T H E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS _ . By: : President Dean, College of Agriculture Acting Comptroller By: Secretary Legal Counsel CHAMPAIGN C O U N T Y MILK PRODUCERS By: President By: Secretary Mr. Lynch, Mr. Shipley, and Mr. Prather made statements concerning this matter, and retired. Dean Mumford, Professor Ruehe, and M r . Riegel also made statements, and retired. O n motion of Mr. Barr, the following resolution was adopted: W H E R E A S the question of the propriety and legality of the University's entering into an exclusive agreement in accordance with the contract submitted to the Board at its meeting on January 7 (adjourned to January 11) to purchase the milk needed in its Dairy Department exclusively from the Champaign County Milk Producers Association has been presented to the Board of Trustees after a somewhat prolonged discussion between members of the faculty and members of said Association, and W H E R E A S said proposed contract, in the opinion of the members of the Board, does not entirely eliminate all the difficulties which the proposed relations with said Association would be likely to produce, N O W T H E R E F O R E B E IT R E S O L V E D that the Board of Trustees is in s y m p a t h y with all cooperative m o v e m e n t s looking t o w a r d s the e c o n o m i c i m p r o v e m e n t of society a n d desires in all practical a n d proper w a y s to p r o m o t e the success of such m o v e m e n t s a n d particularly of the farmers' cooperative marketing organization k n o w n as the C h a m p a i g n C o u n t y M i l k Producers Association, a n d
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