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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 479 Melvin V. Anderson Joseph Pelej Otto Baumgartner Robert Penn Persie Gordon Beene George Otto Podd Carl Roedel Caldwell Nicholas Clemens Schommer, Jr. William R. Corson Charles J Schutz . Albert Ferber Barclay J Sickler . Arthur Frederick Foran Francis Waiters Smith Adolph Robert Hayes Bernard Henry Traut On motion of Mr. Blair, these certificates were awarded as Edward James McGeough Newton Van Derveer Wagner recommended. Roy C. HONORARY LECTURESHIP FUND Maxwell Ross Yahr TAFT Olson (24) I report the receipt of $1000 donated for the purpose of helping to establish a Lectureship in honor of Lorado Taft. T h i s report w a s received for record. FINANCIAL REPORT, MCKINLEY HOSPITAL Mr. Barr, for Dr. Noble, presented the following report, which had been prepared on December 12, 1929, but was not then presented to the Board: Dr. Noble for the Special Committee on the McKinley Hospital, reported that thefinancialreport for the year ending June 30, 1929, seems satisfactory, and recommended that the report be accepted. W. L. Noble George A. Barr Mary E. Busey On motion of Mr. Barr, this report was adopted, and the committee was discharged. On motion of Mr. Barr, the general matter of the finances of the McKinley Hospital was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report, and the President of the Board was authorized tofillMr. Simpson's place on this committee during his absence. President Armstrong appointed Mr. Fisher to act as a member of the Finance Committee for the consideration of this matter. NAMING OF STREETS AND BUILDINGS Mr. Barr, for the special committee on the naming of streets and buildings, made a report of progress. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON PATENTS President Armstrong made the following report. The Committee on Patents of the Board of Trustees met Friday morning, December 13, 1929, in the Office of President Kinley to discuss the commercial development of Professor Buswell's process for the production of methane gas from cornstalks. The following members of the Committee were present: M r . James W . Armstrong, Chairman, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Mr. Frank H. Simpson, and President Kinley. Professor A. M . Buswell and Professor James M . White were also present. Mrs. Evans was elected Secretary. After consideration of the various proposals which have been received for the commercial development of Professor Buswell's process, on motion of Mr. Simpson, a sub-committee consisting of Mr. Armstrong as Chairman, President Kinley, Judge Sveinbjorn Johnson, Legal Counsel, Professor James M . White, Supervising Architect,
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