Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
473 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 7 PURCHASE ORDERS IN DECEMBER AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Vendor Bauech and Lomb Optical Company Oesterlein Machine Company C. A. Steinheil SoJine Hudson Burr James G. Biddle Item Microscopes Amount Department $1 2IO 42 Zoology Milling I 830 OO Machine Spectrograph I 3IO OO Optica! System Calves 2 SOO OO 2 I45 OO 3 200 00 Spectrograph Condenser Electric Coal Company Coal Appropriation Made in Budget Procedure Fr o L. A. & S. Spe- Competitive cial Equipment Chemistry L. A. & S. Spe- Competitive cial Equipment Physics Engineering Spe- Quoted cial Equipment Animal Beef Cattle Quoted Husbandry Station Physics Engineering Spe- Quoted cial Equipment Quoted Physical Storage Coal Plant (Stores Account) J. E. MlLLIZEN Acting Purchasin.g Agent This report was received for record. OPERATION OF WOMAN'S RESIDENCE HALLS (20) T h e annual report on the operation of the W o m a n ' s Residence Halls for the year ending June 30, 1929. T h i s report w a s received for record. REPORT OF THE ACCIDENT COMPENSATION COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1939 (21) T h e report of the Committee on Accident Compensation for Employees of cases considered by the Committee during the year ending June 30, 1929. T h i s report w a s received for record. HONORARIUM FOR MR. ROSEBERRY (22) As the Board is aware, Mr. C. J. Roseberry, who is on half-time pay of the University as Keeper of the Alumni Records, agreed to edit the Alumni Directory and see it through the press. Mr. Roseberry has been at work on the project for the past two years, practically all on the time of the Athletic Association, the Alumni Association, and his own. H e received permission of the officers of those Associations so to do. The work on the Alumni Directory was no part of the work for which he was originally employed. Since he is on half-time only it seems to me proper and right that he should be paid an honorarium for this extra work in editing and publishing the Directory. Accordingly, I recommend an appropriation of ? 1,000 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for this purpose, one-half of it to be paid now, since the copy is all in the printer's hands and much of it set up, and the other half to be paid when the book appears. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s approved a n d the appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , M r . A r m strong, M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s . E v a n s , M r . Fisher; not voting, M r . Blair; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Trees. AWARD OF C. P. A. CERTIFICATES (23) A recommendation that the following persons w h o have been certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having passed the November, 1929, C.P.A. examination be awarded certificates as Certified Public Accountants.