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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LETTERS FROM SURETY COMPANIES CONCERNING TREASURER'S BOND 477 (18) Since the last meeting of the Board letters have been received from the Columbia Casualty C o m p a n y , dated December 16, 1919, and the Fidelity and Casualty C o m pany of N e w York, dated December 16, 1929, sureties for M r . H . S. Capron, Treasurer, confirming the telegrams received on December 12 authorizing the change in the statement in the bond changing the date of M r . Capron's election from December 4, 1929, to December 12, 1929. The original copies of these letters have beenfiledwith the Secretary of the Board. T h i s report w a s received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (19) The following report from the Acting Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders of $1000 and over executed since the last report. CONTRACTS EXECUTED B Y THE ACTING COMPTROLLER NOVEMBER 30, 1929, TO JANUARY 4, 1930 Cooperative research agreement executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees at meeting of July 17, 1929, recorded in minutes on page 268: A mount to be received by Name University Date Purpose International Association of Milk $2 400 00 December 10, For a two-year nssistantship in Dealers. 1929 Agricultural Experiment Station for study of factors affectreceived by ing the marketability of fluid Date Purpose Name University milk January 4, For a two-year cooperative investiCommittee on Scientific Research of £3 500 00 Cooperative research of Medical executed on special authorizationtoxins of Board 1930 gation of of the streptococcus American Association agreement ofMilk Commissions and Board of Trustees in meeting of December 4, 1929: epidemicus and allied problems Directors of Certified Milkon special authorization of the Board of Trustees at the Contract executed Pro- Amount to be meeting Association of America ducers of December 12, 1929: A mount to be received by Name University Date Item Urbana Laboratories, A. L. Whiting, Royalty of December 11, For sale of phosphorus teat soluowner loo a quart 1929 tion known under trade name as Minor contracts executed under general regulations: '*Hi-!o-Fosfate Reagent" Amount to be received by Name University Dale Item Illinois State Board for Vocational Regular Fees November 21, Regular instruction in the UniverEducation 1939 sity to be rendered to various Illinois State Board for Vocational Regular Fees November 21, individuals as listed in contract for one year from September 16, Education 1929 1919 Illinois Printing Company Estimated cost December 17, Regular instruction in the University to be rendered to various $6 200 1929 individuals as listed in contract for one year from February 1, 1930 Printing and binding 22 000 copies of 1929-30 Annual Register
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