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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

46 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 13 APPROPRIATION FOR OBJECTS OF ART (1) I recommend that $5,000 be appropriated from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for the purchase of objects of art. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Small, Mr. Ward. APPROPRIATION FOR SCHOOL OF MUSIC (2) At the request of Director Stiven, I recommend that an appropriation of $450 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to the School of Music to provide for the s l r e of additional, temporary, part-time teachers, who aais need to be employed on account of the heavy registration i the band and orn chestral instrument department. O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Small, Mr. Ward. NEEDS OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (3) A request that Dean Davis, Dean Noyes, and other members of the s a f tf of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry be heard on the building needs of the colleges. This hearing was granted. Dean Davis introduced Dr. Hedblom, Dr. Petersen, Dr. Singer, Dr. Welker, Dr. Hess, and Dr. Humiston; and Dean Noyes introduced Dr. Gallie and Dr. Dittmar, a l of w h o m l made statements. BOOTH ST. LOUIS COLD STORAGE BONDS Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, presented the following recommendation: On information from the President of the University that there i some s likelihood that an opportunity will be offered the University to s l the Booth el St. Louis Cold Storage Bonds i holds at par, or better, the Finance Committee t recommends that the Comptroller and Treasurer be authorized to s l these el bonds at par or better when an offer to purchase them at the price indicated i received. s O n motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Small, Mr. Ward. STATEMENT OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY CONCERNING APPROPRIATIONS FOR T H E BIENNIUM 1929-31 (4) In making up the budget of the University your Board has consistently followed the sound policy of deciding on the amount to be asked for, from two points of view. Thefirstis, what i the minimum amount necessary to cons duct the operations of the i s i u i n e f c e t y allowing for necessary increase n t t t o fiinl, in attendance and necessary improvements ? The second question is, what i the s amount that the public can reasonably be expected, through the Legislature, to afford in view of other public needs and general economic conditions? The problem i to bring the answers to these two questions together. A third s amount i usually indicated by summing up the amounts requested by different s divisions or departments of the i s i u i n and this i usually, i not always, nttto s f much in excess both of what can be reasonably expected and what i necessary s for operation under existing conditions and proper expansion in the biennial period.
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