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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 47 There is no limit to what an institution, like the University, m a y properly undertake to do in research and education, excepting the limitation of expense. The limitation makes it impossible to gratify the ambitions and wishes of heads of departments and other officers w h o very properly are thinking mainly of their own work. It must be constantly kept in mind that the officers of the University are spending the people's money. In other words, w e are bound to guard the public purse as well as bound to do what is necessary for the best welfare of the University. Following m y practice in approaching the make-up of m y recommendations concerning our legislative budget, I have asked the deans to consult with their department heads and to submit to m e their conclusions as to the additional amounts which, in their opinions, should be requested for operation and for buildings in the next biennial period. While some of the information supplied is a bit indefinite, the best summation that I can make of the increased amounts requested for operation aggregates about $760,000 for the biennium. This is more, in m y opinion, than is necessary for our needs though that amount and more could be well utilized in desirable n e w work. In the matter of buildings, as usual, a great volume of requests has been put up. There are many service buildings which the University still needs, or will shortly need, the aggregate cost of which far exceeds any amount that the University could properly ask for, or would be likely to get, in a single biennium. I listed twenty-one such buildings in 1924. Of these, seven have been erected, or are in process of erection, either in whole or in part. T h e others on the list, together with new proposals, with estimates suggested to me, are as follows: Completion of Men's Gymnasium $225,000 Administration Building 350,000 A Museum 500,000 Shop Laboratories , 250,000 Mining Laboratory Addition 150,000 Addition to complete the Auditorium 50,000 Addition to complete Music Building 200,000 Addition to complete the Vivarium 10,000 Service Buildings for Agriculture 200,000 Boiler House Addition 170,000 Deep Well and Filtration Plant 80,000 Chemistry Building Annex 500,000 Chemistry Building for Industrial Chemistry 65,000 Auditorium for Education Building 25,000 Electrical Engineering Laboratory. 500,000 Changes in other Engineering Laboratories 46,000 Total $6,611,000 Agricultural Laboratory Unit 500,000 In addition Economics Building are aware, you have discussed somewhat H o m e to the above, as you 500,000 the advisability of asking for an appropriation for dormitories for men. If Animal Husbandry Abattoir 25,000 such Animal Husbandry decided on for the coming biennium, it would not be a policy should be Storage House 75,000 worth while, I think, House with a request for less than a million dollars. Agronomy Seed to begin 40,000 West Gymnasium Hall W o m W o m e n cost $325,000 and houses 150. In 400,000 Residence for for e n m y opinion, a dormitory for Building not be constructed on the plan of this 250,000 for building Journalism m e n could w o m eMedical wouldDental Buildings n and and be more expensive per capita. A million dollar building 1,500,000 would probably house from 300 to 400. Still further, some people are of the opinion that w e need a Fine Arts Building, a campanile, and a building to replace University Hall. T h e latter alone would cost $1,000,000.
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