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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 473 and for which the American Society of Civil Engineers has supplied the funds as a gift. The agreement with the Bureau of Public Roads as originally drawn was of the form and character of agreements which have been approved in the past. The Bureau wishes to modify this agreement in two respects, viz: i. T o have the investigation under the joint direction of the University and the Bureau. 2. T o give the Bureau the right to publish the results simultaneous with or subsequent to publication by the University. T o meet the objections raised by the Bureau to the original form of the agreement, it has been modified as follows: i. In Section 2, the words "and the Bureau" have been inserted in the second line. The sentence, "If the cooperating parties fail to agree at any point or in any particular, the right to make thefinaldecision will rest with the University," has been added to this section. 2. In Section 4, the last sentence, reading, "The conduct of the tests shall be under the full control of the University through the Engineering Experiment Station which is necessarily responsible for the results secured," has been omitted on the ground of partial redundancy on Section 2 and of irrelevancy to the subject matter of the section itself. 3. In Section 5, a sentence reading, "The Bureau shall also have the right to publish the results simultaneously with or subsequent to publication by the University," has been added. The section clearly states the right of the University to priority publication but gives the Bureau the right of republication. O n m o t i o n of M r s . B u s e y , the President of the University w a s authorized to h a v e these changes incorporated in the contract. AMENDMENT OF REGULATION GOVERNING UNUSUALLY HAZARDOUS W O R K OF M E M B E R S OF THE STAFF (7) B y action of the Board, dated June 29, 1928 (Minutes, page 751), members of the Educational and Research Staff injured in the prosecution of work of an unusually hazardous nature m a y receive compensation under your rules under certain conditions provided approval was given in advance for the prosecution of the unusually hazardous work. B y later action, under date of January 9, 1929 (Minutes, page 121), you approved a recommendation that owing to the impracticability of classifying the work of the departments from the point of view of being unusually hazardous, each individual case should be considered on its merits. It was not m y intention by that recommendation to do away with the requirement of approval in advance for any individual to engage in unusually hazardous work. It seems to m e that a practical requirement should be added, namely, that when permission is given an individual to engage in unusually hazardous work it should be only on the conditions that he submit to a physical examination by our Health Service and that the results of that examination are such as to justify the belief that the individual is in a condition to undertake the proposed work. I recommend that such physical examination be hereafter required as a condition of considering any claim for compensation, and that the requirement go into effect now, applying to those now in such work. O n m o t i o n of M r . Fisher, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. FEDERAL COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE STAFF FOR ACCI DENTS (8) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that all members of the staff receiving all, or a considerable part, of their salaries from Federal funds be permitted tofilewith the United States Department of Agriculture information which will make them eligible for compensation from the United States Employee's Compensation Commission in case of accident. The Legal Counsel saw no objection to their doing so and I instructed the Dean that they might do this. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , this action w a s confirmed.
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