Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

464 board of trustees [December 12 Hours 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 Forty-one semester hours in technical training are required as follows: A. C. 2—Calisthenics A. C. 4—Gymnastic Stunts A. C. 7-—Boxing and Wrestling A. C. 15—Community Recreation A. C. 16—Training and First Aid A. C. 17—Organization and Administration A. C. 20—Track and Field Athletics A. C. 30—Football A. C. 3 r—Football A. C. 32—Football A. C. 40—Basketball A. C. 41—Basketball A. C. so—Baseball A. C. 60—Swimming A. C. 70—Orthopedics and Medical Gymnasium 41 A requirement of sixteen hours in a second subject of specialization (a high school subject other than Physical Education) must be met. The remaining hours necessary to complete the requirements for graduation shall be selected from courses other than Athletic Coaching. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these changes were authorized. SUMMER SESSION FEE IN MUSIC (9) A recommendation from the Director of the School of Music and the Director of the S u m m e r Session that the following fees for music in the summer session be established: Students of the School of Music—$ for the session. Other students—One lesson a week $10 for the session; two lessons a week Ji8 for the session. These are in lieu of the present fees of $6 for one lesson a week and $10 for two lessons per week for all students. The Acting Comptroller joins in this recommendation and I concur. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these fees were authorized. CONTRACT FOR SALE OF PHOSPHORUS TEST SOLUTION (10) A proposed agreement with the Urbana Laboratories for the manufacture and distribution of the solution known as the "Field Test for Available Phosphorus in Soils." At an earlier part of this meeting (on December 4) the Board voted to enter into an agreement with this concern for the sale of this solution under certain terms and conditions recommended by the Superintendent of Business Operations and the Acting Comptroller. I recommend approval of this contract. AGREEMENT T H I S A G R E E M E N T between the B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S of the U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS, party of thefirstpart, and A. L. W H I T I N G , doing business under the name and style of U R B A N A L A B O R A T O R I E S , of the City of Urbana, Illinois, party of the second part, W I T N E S S E T H : The party of thefirstpart being the owner and holder of an interest in Patent Application Number 386387, under date of August 16, 1929, for a formula for delivering available phosphorus in soil, agrees with the party of the second part: j. Thefirstparty grants hereby to the second party the sole and exclusive right to manufacture and distribute a solution known as the "Field Test for Available Phosphorus in Soils," under the trade name H I - L O - F O S F A T E R E A G E N T , or such other trade name as the party of the second part m a y determine. herein referredresearch work, or to sell to others forsold make, cents haveon and second such 2. Theto 1929, and during the entire life herein granted,or to ($0.10) a quart, part 3. In for reserves unto privilege as royalty tenwork only, of solution and to useconsideration party of the firstpart of thisto and distributed thethe for it, November 21, pay the ofquantities manufactured, research the party made after agrees first royalty to cover all the license itself the right contract.