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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 463 Curriculum in City Planning Option of Civil Engineering Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering awarded after the completion of the four years' work as outlined The first two years' work to be the same as the present curriculum in Civil Engineering: THIRD Y E A R FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Hours Hours C. E. s 1—Railroad Surveying 5 C. E. 60—Stresses in Struct 4 . T. A. M. 25—Resistance of Materials 5 C. E. 62—Elem. Structural Design 2 C. E. 52—Roads and Pavements 3 C. E. 8i—Theory of Reinforced Concrete... . 3 Hort. 37a—City Planning 2 HorL 37b—City Planning 2 A. E. 33—Architectural Drawings 3 T. A. M. 26—Mechs. and Hydraulics 4 . A. E. 34—Architectural Design , 3 18 18 FOURTH YEAR C. E. 55—Highway Design 4 C. E. 72—Sewerage 3 C. E. 71—Water Supply Engr 4 C. E. 75—Masonry Construction 3 C. E. 85—Structural Design 5 C. E. 80—Contracts and Specs 2 Landscape Design 4 C. E. 82—Reinforced Concrete Design 4 C. E. 99—Inspection Trip o Landscape Design 4 17 16 On motion of Mrs. Evans, these options were authorized, CHANGES IN ATHLETIC COACHING CURRICULUM (8) The University Senate recommends certain changes in the requirements for graduation in the Athletic Coaching curriculum. Briefly the changes are: (a) a decrease from forty-seven to forty-one hours of required work in technical Athletic Coaching courses; (b) an increase from twenty hours to twenty-five in required courses in Education; (c) the requirement of thirty-three hours of specified courses other than work in Education or Athletic Coaching. All concerned are of the opinion that these changes will improve the work. N o addition to the budget is required by these changes. I recommend approval. Curriculum in Physical Education and Athletic Coaching Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical Education A total of 136 semester hours is required for the degree. Twenty-five semester hours in Education are required as follows: Hours Thirty-three semester hours of work in various departments are required as Education 6—Principles of Secondary Education 3 follows: Hours Education 7—School Program in Physical Education ,,. 3 .., 3 Rhetoric 1—Rhetoric and Composition Education 8—History,and Literature Rhetoric 12—Rhetoric System and Theories of Physical Education 52 Education Military 10—Technic of Teaching , ,... 4 .,.. 3 Education 7—Sports Writing 3 Journalism 25—Educational Psychology. 3 Education 28—Psychology of Athletics1. Speaking 33 Public Speaking 1—Principles of Effective Educational1—Elements of Physiology Physiology Practice 1. 2, 3, 4 28 Physiology 2—Physiology of Physical Exercise 4 Anatomy 1—Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 3 Psychology 1 (4) may be substituted for Anatomy 2—Outline of Human Anatomy Education 28. 3 Hygiene 10—General Hygiene 3 33
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