Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

43© board of trustees [November 15 IN M E M O R Y O F R O B E R T RUSSELL. W A R D O n motion of Dr. Noble, the following resolution was adopted: W H E R E A S the late Honorable Robert Russell Ward was a m e m ber of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois from 1915 to 1921 and from 1927 to 1928, and W H E R E A S in his death on October 19, 1929, the Board of Trustees lost an honored colleague, the University a loyal alumnus, and the State a distinguished citizen, T H E R E F O R E B E I T R E S O L V E D that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby desires to express to the members of his family its heartfelt sympathy with them in their loss and that this testimony of its appreciation and sorrow be spread upon the Minutes and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the members of his family. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR JUDGE JOHNSON (1) Judge Johnson has been appointed by President Hoover a member of the American Commission to represent the United States at the Millennial Celebration of Iceland in 1930. This will necessitate his absence from the country from about the first week in June until approximately the first of August, 1930. I recommend that leave of absence be granted Judge Johnson for this purpose for such time as necessary from the necessary date in June until the close of the summer vacation. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. SICK LEAVE FOR MISS HELEN PEFFER (2) Miss Helen Peffer, Assistant in the School of Journalism, has been absent on account of illness since October 10, or thereabouts. Her work thus far has been carried by her associates. I therefore recommend that she be given sick leave on pay from October 10 to date, November 15. O n motion of M r s . B u s e y , this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DEAN M. S. KETCHUM (3) Dean M . S. Ketchum of the College of Engineering has been i l since September l and there is no likelihood now that he will be able to return to his duties before the beginning of the second semester. In the meantime his work is being taken care of by Assistant Dean Jordan. I recommend that Dean Ketchum be given sick leave on full pay from September 1, 1929, to January 31, 1930, or such portion of that time as m a y be necessary. O n motion of M r . Barr, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. REQUEST FROM MR. MOREY (4) A request from Mr. Morey for a modification of the terms of his leave of absence for the first semester. O n motion of M r . Barr, this matter w a s referred to the President of the University with p o w e r to act. RELEASE OF PROFESSOR CHARLES F. GREEN (5) A request from Dr. Charles F. Green, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, that he be released from his position and contract beginning November 16, to enable him to accept a position with the General Electric Company which offers him an unusual opportunity to be of service in research work in the development of means of safety in the operation of aeroplanes.