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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4J4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 10 Schedule E STATEMENT OF THE STORES AND REVOLVING ACCOUNTS Cre>dits 1 'rom AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 99 partn De; tent Septbalance. E Balance Disbur.s- R guisit, tons ember 10, e e menur '020 a d Sals n e July I, IQ3Q $ 1 669 4 $ 2 8 2 4 $ 2 500 78 6 8 7 Storerooms 20 480 32 I 503 45 ( 3 837 06 S 6 Chicago General Stores $ 3 693 5 2 1 08855 18 360 82 1 2 2 90 j 2 836 98 2 283 2 6 General Chemical Stores 31 054 89 623 57 32 oot 1 7 3 9 2 08 1 5 2 47 1 General Chemical Stores Overhead 1 4244 2 39 3 4 274 29 6 Office Supply Store 19 675 49 3 541 4 302 87 8 34 0 5 1 2 8 7599 6 8261 9 9 9 67s 05 Office Supply Store Overhead (88 15003) ( 8 8 0 54) (122 427 03) 7 4 Physical Plant Stores 49 n o 25 I 6170 821 31* 4 I6 4 5 4 0 Physical Plant Stores Overhead 4s 5 6 0 5 4 64 1 1 193 9 1 1 5 71 } 2 149 43* 4 Postage 171 91 1 5 00 2 8 2 \ 9 65 385 4 « 223 8 1 Storage Coal 9 211 48 16 304 636 82 l 1 51 6 b 5 1 4 Total, Storerooms (113 117 54) I 2044 200 70 9 9 44 8 3 253 6620 2 6 7 9 1 1 3 7 1 6 185 26 2 Service Departments 2 18s 5 « 57 99 2 0 I 586 03* 9 7 2 0 I055 R6* Applied Chemistry Testing 793 8j* 174 030 7 1 3 9 7 9 3 3574 7 40 3 1 1 1 I690 50* Blueprinting 1 720 43* 21 476 1 4 1 1 40 5 3 5 8 748 67 568 3 3* 86 1 1 4 1 3 44 8 7 Photography 948 04* (477 181 83) (455 0 2 21) (3 909 64) 5 6 Blueprinting and Photography Overhead 67 8 44 73 Chicago Print Shop 56 60* 23 19* 1 5 2 0 152 0 00 2 253 29* Chicago Job System 155 70* 1 1 5 0 38 11* 2 5 2 41 7 9 6 167 6 0 I 45S 63* Chicago Animal Hospital Revolving. ... 19 36* 332 09 341 3 2 3 1 1 4 (234 32) ( 393 40*) Physical Plant Job System 45 302 54 (2 10340) 3 £567 6 2 7 Physical Plant Job System Overhead. . , 41 71* 435 2 £534 1 7 0 £182 943 27 Labor Pay Roll 1 158 75* Organic Chemical Manufactures. . . . 1 034 66* ... Schedule 8F Print Shop 2 406 5 Stenographic Bureau SUMMARY OK TRUST ENDOWMENT FUNDS 99 Total, Service Departments AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 (41 780 02) Investments Group Separate Revolving Accounts Cash and InvestTotal Library Science Outlines 51 51 Balances Receivables ments Professorial and Lectureship Endowments... . .#11969* 16 Tabulating Machine Operation 10 686 $ 609 57 Student Loan Endowments 181 781 $104 390 43 £14 686 16 13 846 27 Military Overcoats 3 390 29* 83 167 935 56 57 295 97 129 1014 455 84 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Endowments 163 63* 27 373 303 16 78 84 556 Military Uniforms 1917-28 27 427 17 6 480 61 71 Miscellaneous Endowments 80 69* 115 45 Military Uniforms 1928-29 1 780 030 71 £573 303 16 £78-115 36 £14 571 61 180 Sub-total Machines 466 054 97 73 550 00 Vending 31 31 Cash Balances Subject to Group Investment 262 48*) Total, Revolving Accounts (5 Grand Total $466 08 Grand Total . JS149 635054 97 Schedule G •Credit Balance.U M M A R Y OF E X P E N D A B L E TRUST A N D SPECIAL FUNDS S AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Total Fund EncumFree Balance (Cask) brances Balance Professorial and Lectureship Endowments Income $ 3 696 17 # 3 696 17 Student Loan Endowments Income (subject to annuity) 134 63 134 63 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Endowments Income 2 412 07 $ 5 00 2 407 07 Miscellaneous Endowments Income , 2 602 05 2 602 05 Building and Improvement Funds. 664 60 14 96 649 70 Research Donations 44 896 38 5 512 50 39 383 88 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Donations 7 646 63 7 646 63 Other Expendable Funds 33 773 83 165 90 33 607 93 Deposit Funds 63 097 90 2 732 50 60 365 40 Group Investments Interest (to be distributed) 1 280 08 1 280 08 Grand Total , £160 204 40 $8 430 86 $151 773 54
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