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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schedule C SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1 2 - 0 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 993 99 413 Bilatice ( Hcptt:mber 30, j •029 Disburse-0 * 0 7 9<6 39 5 I 3 2 14 7 menls 1 ) u 2 2 775 85 1 7 1 712 24) Funds in Possession of University 7 2 7 i 361 24 6 4 Treasurer 4 3 Hi 421 57 General Fund $ 73826905 $ 796 343 39 $ 496676 5 1 2 116 47 8 1 4 3 0 142 66 8 Trust Fund 120 269 21 102 742 76 48 236 2 2 1 1 28; 78 2 8 9 2 0065 11 3 Total (85853826) (89908615) (S44 912 4 5 I O 989 55 O 62) ( 7 9 382 38) 3 1 State Appropriations 7 8 For Operation 1 Salaries and Wages 3 515 00000 773 638 2 0 5 Office Expense 150 000 00 34 578 1 5 I 8 85 5 85 0 Travel 3500000 6883 S O 3 9 647 50 2 Operation 485 000 00 104 857 4 I 4 9 066 51 9 9 5 8 2 7 737 42 4 Repairs 160 000 00 36 714 8 1 2 9 355 17 9 2 « Equipment 290 000 00 59 934 SO) ( 4 4 662 45) Improvements. 130 000 00 29 010 0 Total. Operation (4 765 00000) (1 045 617 3 7 < 6 985 15 For Buildings 1 ) ( 2 1 030 08) 7 6 1 3 $ 4 3 742 32 4 7 2 1927-19 Library Building Addition 38 019 7S 38 019 Lincoln Hall Addition 270 637 12 270 637 Schedule D Materials Testing SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS AS A T Laboratory 185 430 05 SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 99 185 430 EncumFree Total Disburse1929-31 brances Balance Credits 115 000 00 ments Agricultural Buildings $ 6 144 34 $ 342 327 19 12 477 Administration and General $ 438 565 61 335 000 761 08 5 352 79 $ 83 00 Chemistry Annex 24 261 159 854 85 Library 245 254 89 61 138 25 36 219 77 Medical and Dental Labo781 096 18 Agriculture ratories 1 500 000 00 93 3 1 968 86 241 128 81 University Appropriation. 1 093 906 76 250276 590 81 2 7262 35 Power Plant Addition 000 00 54S 949 750 91 U. S. Extension 296 837 53 300 000 739 86 644 37 53 00 Woman's Gymnasium. .... 22 683 551 737 99 Liberal Arts andBuildings 1 086 95) Total, Sciences (494175 07s 34(2 500217 779 08 (509 424 42 000 00) 9 911 61 152 14 Engineering Purposes 718 609 15 144 187 79 32 401 75 For Special 603 754 89 Graduate School 83 950 30 12 886 74 Agricultural Experiment 494 08 23 845 39 Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy... 816 854 50 180 697 86 Station, Cook County 4 433 55 68 672 47 Journalism 28 30 4 279 53 168 711 00 4 90s 404 92 1927-29 419619 00 410 16 25 22 365 30 Law 94 294 22 10 000 188 20 3 014 58 21 00 1929-30. 113 20 465 65 Library School State 4 00) (1 99 469 94 Total. (494 27 407 52 275 coo977 60 5585 476_ 25 2 386 834 76 506 25) (7 487 45 790 34 98 290 19 12538S 49 234 Military Grand Total 22 51 ?8 2 15 $2 t}9) 4'4 90 $1 3S3 044620 43 174 086041 20 103 1 044 45 $7 152 732 88 390 445 83 Music 63 487 21 12 164 51 19 99 4 577 82 Education 189 020 31 35 242 98 3 384 10 84 000 00 Summer Session 1929 42 351 63 37 753 82 6 238 82 178 753 52 Summer Session 1930 84 000 00 98 152 08 Commerce 225 062 10 42 924 48 515 122 85 Physical Appropriations and Main- $9 682 344 00 $1 943 099 91 129 134 78 24 775 16 Land, Grand Total Improvements 6 995 299 81 1 509 953 85 tenance.StateOperation Appropria- 2 457 959 63 Other Plant Building SpecialWelfare and tions Sub-total Buildings 274 264 84 726 395 3> 383 on 04 167 005 05 50 3'8 15 Balance July I, 10?0 and Adjustments Receipts and State Appropriations
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