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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4I2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 10 Schedule A STATEMENT OF RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 99 Balance forward June 30, 1929 $352 086 21 Add: Budget Income 1929-30 (Board Minutes July 17, 1929, page 273) $6 3S2 712 48 Biennium State Building Appropriations 2 500 000 00 Lapsed 1928-29 Balances (Previously carried forward to cover encumbrances but not required) 1 025 59 8 853 738 07 Total Credits $0 205 824 28 Deduct: Budget Appropriations 1929-30 (Board MinuteB July 17, 1929, page 274) 6 224 634 82 Biennium Building Appropriations (Board Minutes July 17, 1929, page 269) 2 500 000 00 Special 1920-30 Appropriations (Board Minutes July 17, 1929) 166 920 00 Appropriations made by Board of Trustees September 18, 1929 Death Benefits (Ruthe E. Murphey and Francis Crathorne) 1 252 47 Patents on Discoveries and Inventions 456 00 Dental Research 375 00 Schedule Lighting Assessments (Wright Street and Armory B REALIZATION OF I N C O M E F O R 1 OPERATIONS Avenue) 600 00 Purchase of Dental Bonds 1929-30 T O S E P T E M B E R 30, 1929 1 500 00 Unrealized Landscaping the Campus 2 000 00 Budget 9 000 00 Realized 183 47 Balance Land (Jones Property) 16 Estimate to Date ooo 00 Adjustments to Salary Budget (Various Departments) 4 (See Schedule H ) State Funds to 1928-29 Income from Smith-Hughes Adjustment From Mill Tax £2 750 000 00 $ 773 638 76 51^ 976 361 24 $1 Act From General Revenue 2 015 000 00 271 978 86 1 743 911 738 80 Total Charges 8 021 14 Total, State (4 765 000 00) (1 045 617 62) (3 719 294 085 48 Balance September 30, 1929 (to Schedule H) $ 382 38) Federal Funds From V. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 34 139 895 91 99 728 43 Capper-Ketcham Fund 40 167 48 40 167 48 Hatch-Adams Funds 30 000 00 7 500 00 22 500 oo Purnell Fund 60 000 00 15 000 00 43 000 oo From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 16 225 33 16 225 33 Morrill-Nelson Funds SO 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 Total, Federal (468 242 48) (228 621 24) (239 621 24) Student Fees 860 000 00 364 953 88 495 046 12 Sales Credited to Departments Agriculture 120 680 00 27 557 14 93 122 86s Other Departments 758 78 758 78*1, Credited to Estimated Agricultural Sales 129 750 00 25 507 42 104 242 58 Credited to General Income 100 000 00 22 402 38 77 597 62 Credited to Estimated Income from Creamery Surplus «4 320 00 14 320 oo* •Deduct,be transferred from Creamery Operating Account, June $1 715 418on 72) 747 974 02 McKinley budget estimate set up. accounts, not carried392 separate 1930. 46 $\ (288400 00 Total,Endowment to revolving •To Sales, etc ^Credited direct *No Total Grand $6 463 400 48 30, items Balance 5 524 28) (364 as 00 5 75° 00) (76 225 Sheet.
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