Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

404 board of trustees [October 10 CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE ACTING COMPTROLLER SEPTEMBER 12, 1929, TO OCTOBER 3, 1929 Cooperative research agreement executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees at meeting of September 18, 1929: Amount to be Received by Date Purpose Name Institute of American University September 21, 1929 For a cooperative investigation of the $1 500 growth of and toxin formation by ClosMeat Packers tridium Botulinum in certain canned Minor contracts executed under general regulations: meat products by Bacteriological Laboratories. Amount Date Item Name £804 September ic Acousti Celotex to be installed in new Klein Watson Company Lease executed under general regulations: Library. Leased to Property Rental Date Tenure E. A. Moore Dwelling known as Sherwood House south $lo per September One year from of Military Stables 23. 19^9 PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED monthSEPTEMBERNovember 1, 1929 IN AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Charged to Vendor Item Amount Department Appropriation for Procedure Cable Piano Com- Practice $1 515 00 School of Music School of Music Quoted 1 13s pany Pianos Special Equipment 2 400 00 D. H. Lloyde Practice School ofHus- Animal of Music Quoted 1 232 77 Pianos Animal Music School Husbandry Quoted Special Equipment Bell and Zoller Coal Coal Sheep Station bandry Physical Plant J. E. MlLLIZEN Storage Coal Quoted Company Citizens State Bank, Lambs Acting Purchasing Agent Th Assigneei s report w a s received for record. PRIVILEGES OF RETIRED M E M B E R S OF THE ACADEMIC STAFF (23) Recommendations concerning privileges of retired members of 1. Members of the teaching and research staffs who have been retired shall be entitled to the privileges of thefloorat all meetings of their faculties and of the University Senate, if they were members of the Senate before retirement, but shall not be entitled to vote. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was adopted. 2. If a member of the staff under retirement is provided with research assistance, he shall, at the end of each academic year, not later than June 1, make a report in at least general terms directly to the President, of the work he has been doing with this research assistance during the year. In no case m a y a research assistant be granted to a retired member of the staff for a longer period than one year at a time, and such assistant m a y be continued only if the annual report of work shows progress or promise. On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. 3. With the approval of the department head and dean of the Graduate School, and of the President, a retired member of the faculty m a y offer conferences with advanced students in his line of work if said member had offered graduate courses before his retirement. On motion of Mr. Barr, this recommendation was adopted. REINVESTMENT OF McKlNLEY PROFESSORSHIP FUNDS (24) A report from the Acting Comptroller that in accordance with the authorization of the Board at its meeting on September 18 he has purchased one Fourth Liberty Loan bond of the par value of $600 at g^1*^, the net total cost being $590.63,