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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1919] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 405 as an investment of part of the endowment funds of the McKinley Professorship of the Economics of Public Utilities. This report w a s received for record. A t this point, M r . Fisher withdrew. PURCHASE OF GASOLINE CRANE (25) A letter from the Acting Comptroller: Urban a, Illinois October 10, 1929 President David Kinley, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: Following are quotations received on a Gasoline Operated Crane for use in the handling of coal: F.O.B. Link Belt Company $10 360 Chicago American Hoist & Derrick Co 9 790 St. Paul, Minn. H. D. Conkey & Company 8 175 Mendota, 111. Bucyrus Erie Company 9 935 Erie, Pa. Marion Steam Shovel Company 10 685 Marion, O. Osgood Company 11 705 Marion, O. Ohio Power Shovel Company 13 175 Lima, O. Industrial Brown Hoist Company 12 530 Cleveland, O. Mr. J. A. Morrow, Superintendent of Buildings, has made careful inquiry concerning the equipment which each bidder proposed to furnish. He has seen the machines in operation and has found the one manufactured by the Link Belt Company best suited to our use. The three on which lower prices were made are much lighter than that of the Link Belt Company and reduced to a price per pound are more expensive. The H. D. Conkey Company machine is not suited to our use, being much too light and not having proper bucket equipment. Mr. Morrow checked the specifications with Professor Leutwiler and Professor Poison of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and has their opinions that mechanically, the Link Belt machine i superior to the others. s Mr. Morrow requests that the order be placed with the Link Belt Company at a price of $10,360 f.o.b. Chicago and I recommend that the order be placed accordingly. This purchase will be made from a specific appropriation of $12,500 included in the 1929-30 budget for Physical Plant Extension. Very truly yours, APPROVED: H.M.Edwards James M . White Acting Comptroller Supervising A rchitect O n motion of Mr. Barr, the Acting Comptroller was authorized to make this purchase on the terms proposed, on the receipt of a written statement from Mr. Trees and the Supervising Architect certifying that certain questions which have not been clarified are satisfactorily answered. REPRODUCTION OF PRESIDENT KINLEY'S PORTRAIT (26) A recommendation from Professor White that the Editor of the JUio be permitted to send the portrait of President Kinley to Chicago for color reproduction. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this recommendation w a s adopted. OCTOBER DEGREES (27) The following l s of candidates recommended by the University Senate at its it meeting on October 7 for degrees and a request for authority to the President to confer the degrees. G R A D U A T E SCHOOL Degree of Master of Arts In Chemistry Burner, A.B., Bradley Polytechnic Institute, 1924 Helen M a e Cox, A.B., Albion College, 1928 Philip Ernest
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