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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
2 board of trustees [September 20 M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D B Y P R E S I D E N T KINLEY T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. C H A N G E S IN T H E B U D G E T (1) Aside from the minor changes made in the budget in accordance with the authority granted m e at the time i was approved, I desire to report that I t authorized the promotion of Mr. A. I. Andrews from Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering at $3,500, to Associate Professor at $4,000. The Supervising Architect reports that through an error the salary of Mrs. Ruthe E. Murphey, Senior Clerk in the Physical Plant Division, was put in the budget at $1,680 instead of $1,740 which she received last year. I directed the Secretary of the Board to send her a contract at the same salary as she received last year ($1,740). I recommend the following increases for the year 1928-29: (a) William E. Britton, Professor of Law, from $5,750 to $6,500. (b) Joseph A. Morrow, Superintendent of Buildings, from $4,500 to $5,000. (c) Lawrence W . Murphy, Associate Professor of Journalism and Acting Director of the School of Journalism, from $4,500 to $5,000. (d) A. W . Secord, Assistant Professor of English, from $2,600 to $3,000. O n motion of M r . Trees, these increases were approved. REPORT ON CERTAIN CONTRACTS AND OTHER MATTERS (2) In view of the impracticability of getting a meeting of the Board or of the Finance Committee or the Executive Committee, to act on certain matters, I secured the approval of the members individually or the authority of the President of the Board for the following matters: I. Contract with William Bayley Company, Springfield, Ohio, for steel sash for Materials Testing Laboratory, at their low bid of $7,130, as published in the Board Minutes of May 23, page 619. 2. Contract with the Armstrong Cork & Insulation Company for furnishing and applying "Acousticork" to the under side of the crane bay roof in the Materials Testing Laboratory, at a price of $2,017. This is the only company that manufactures this material. 3. Contract with O. L. Kern & Company for heating of the remodeled Davenport and Kappa Houses at their low bid of $1,864. 4. Contract with Hedstrom Schenk Coal Company for approximately 1,000 tons of Pocahontas Mine Run Coal for the Chicago Departments for 1928-29 at their low bid of $6.40 net per ton. 5. Award of contract for R.O.T.C. uniforms for advanced courses to De Moulin Brothers & Company at $29.55 Per uniform. The government allowance is $30 per uniform. 6. Award of contract for ventilating the old chapel to Henry Reuter & Sons of Kankakee, at their low bid of $2471. 7. Contract with Rezilite Manufacturing Company for impervious flooring to cover the wooden floors in the old part of the Chemistry Building at a price of $2,830. The letters indicating the procedure in these various matters have been filed with the Secretary of the Board. O n motion of M r . Barr, the action of the President of the University in carrying out the wishes of the Finance Committee and of the Executive Committee, as indicated by their signatures, w a s approved and confirmed. INVESTMENT OF Committee reportPROFESSORSHIP of the Finance Committee and the Executive herewith a in theof the action (3) I submit THE MCKINLEY ENDOWMENT FUNDthe funds in the McKinley reinvestment
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