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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3 Professorship Endowment, which became necessary because the securities provided by the late Senator McKinley in establishing this Endowment, namely, the 7 per cent cumulative preferred stock of the Illinois Power and Light Corporation, were called in July. O n the written approval of the members of these committees individually and of the President of the Board,filedwith the Secretary, I requested the Treasurer and the Comptroller to invest the funds accordingly. The Comptroller reports that in accordance with the Committee's action, the following investments have been made: SCHEDULE A REINVESTMENTS OF McKINLEY E N D O W M E N T Bonds (per schedule B ) $ 74 729 50 Real Estate Mortgages (per schedule C) 27 750 00 Farm Mortgage (per schedule D, page 4) 2 508 33 $104 987 83 Balance uninvested 12 17 Total proceeds of Illinois Power and Light 7 % Preferred stock retired, July 2, 1928 $105 000 00 SCHEDULE B P U R C H A S E S OF McKINLEY E N D O W M E N T SECURITIES as at September 19, 1928 Purchased Accrued Security Par Cost Interest Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 4 % due July I, 1948 7M@gij| 3M@Q2 SM@Q2^ and commission $15 000 00 $13 872 50 $224 45 Detroit Edison 5 % due January 1, 1933 iM @ 102 6 M @ I02J4 5M @ 102^ 3M @ 103 and commission 15 000 00 15 418 75 95 00 Kansas City Terminal 4 % due January 1, i960 9M@88& 3M@89 6 M @ yayA 2M@9i^4 and commission 20 000 00 17 977 00 107 67 New York Telephone Company 45^% due November 1, 1939 4M @ 100 iM @ 1 0 £ 0j n M @ iqo$4 and commission 16 000 00 16 068 75 213 25 Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis, 4}4% due October 1, 1939 iM @ 101 West @commission Company 5 % due 1963 3M @ 103J4 and Penn Power 4M 104 iM 103 1035^ 102& $77 000 00 $74 012 50 $868 46 10 1 10 729 00 213 96 I 380 15 13
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