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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

386 board of trustees [September 18 Elms that can be planted now following Vitale plan 10 North of Library 21 East of Library (west walk) 18 East of Commerce (west walk) 15 West of Morrow plots (east walk) 24 West of N e w Agr. Bldg. (east walk) 24 West of Genetics (east walk) 57 Around Stock Pavilion 55 Pennsylvania Ave. (Goodwin to Fourth) 26 Pennsylvania Ave. (Goodwin to Forestry) 38 Goodwin (Nevada to Gregory) 8 South of President's House (Mathews to Goodwin) 300 elms -50 if east and west walk trees are not replaced with budded elms Plant List Proposed by Mr. Vitale To be To be S u m Approxiplanted planted Total mate Plant Material 1929-30 in Cost nursery Ulmus Americana (American Elm) 383 355 738 $6 742 00 Platanus Occidentalis (sycamore) 82 61 143 28600 Pinus resinosa (red pine) 80 24 104 70 00 Carpinus Carolina (American hornbeam)... . 326 98 424 1 271 00 Taxus cuspidata (Japanese yew) 3 526 12 338 15 864 23 796 00 Crataegus cordata (Washington hawthorn).. 4 106 no n o 00 Malusfloribunda(Japanesefloweringcrab). . 24 97 121 121 00 Malus arnoldiana (Arnold crab) 16 83 99 99 00 Malus robusta (crab) 6 29 35 35 00 Total $32 531 00 O n motion of Mr. Barr, this report was adopted. O n motion of Mrs. Busey the appropriation of $2000 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for landscaping was made by the following vote: Aye, President Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees; no, none; absent, Mr. Emmerson, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Simpson. INVESTMENT OF MCKINLEY FUND Mr. Trees presented for the Finance Committee a recommendation that six hundred dollars of the McKinley Endowment Fund (Public Utilities) be invested in Fourth Liberty Bonds. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was adopted. OPERATION OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL Dr. Noble presented the following report. September 17, 1929 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois Your Committee on McKinley Hospital begs to submit the following observations and report: Physical Properties Building high-class in every particular. T o pfloorhas capacity of 35 beds; the secondfloorhas a capacity of 20 beds for patients and 8 rooms for nurses; the first
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