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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 385 September 18, 1929 Mr. George A. Barr, Chairman Committee on Buildings and Grounds Your committee on landscaping of the campus, to which was referred Mr. Vitale's report, believe that his recommendations should be followed as rapidly as financial considerations permit. The plans which he submitted with his report are worked out in great detail with reference to much of the planting, but there are phases of the development for which he should make more detailed studies and planting lists. This applies particularly to the architectural details which are features of the hedge plantings and also the design of the gardens which terminate the east and west axis at the Forestry. It is very desirable that he should be instructed to proceed with the design of the architectural features involved in the planting around the new South Campus buildings. H e has submitted a list of all of the trees required for his entire planting scheme and has also included the hedge plants. The cost of these varies with the size, but of a sire which w e would probably purchase, the total cost of this planting material is estimated at $32,500. It would be impossible for us to plant all of this at the present time, even if w e had it, but as M r . Vitale has stressed the importance of purchasing enough planting material so that we will always have a reserve in the nursery to use for expansion and forfillingin gaps, it seems best to purchase as much planting material as possible this fall and in the spring. W e have an opportunity to purchase 300 budded American elms, 3 to 3^2 inches in size, at $9.00 each, based upon taking the 300. W e also have a quotation on 2,550 Japanese yews, 12 to 18 inches in height, at J 1.50 apiece, and on 500 American hornbeams, 2 to 3 feet in height, at $48.00 per hundred. M r . Vitale considers it advisable for us to purchase the elms and yews on the above terms. H e has not been advised of the quotation on the American hornbeam, but as this is rather difficult to get, w e believe that w e ought to make the purchase. W e can plant 250 of the elms in accordance with M r . Vitale's plan, and 50 should be put in the nursery for replacements. W e would probably be able to plant most of the yews this fall and in the spring, but the architectural features of the hedge around the Library, Commerce, and Architectural Buildings should be in place before that hedge is planted. Jio 145 00 The following to estimate of the costs something phases Vitale's services for To this will haveis anbe added freight andof the abovefor Mr.of the work: 300 elms @ J9.00, Of J1.50 each for labor further study involved. plusthe total $10,000 included in the budget $3 150 00 and for drives 2550 yews @ J1.50, plus 25c each for labor 4 above planting this year, about $500 has been spent. The program outlined 495 00 will Architectural features in front of the Library, Commerce, and probably exceed the balance by $1500 or $2000. Architectural Buildings 2 500 00 W e therefore recommend that the major program this year be planting and that Mr. Vitale be instructed to complete the studies for the architectural features in connection with the terrace planting around the Library, Commerce, and Architectural Buildings, and that the present appropriation be supplemented by an appropriation of $2000 in order to enable us to take advantage of the rather large purchases of elms and yews which can now be advantageously made, though before purchasing, w e m a y find some other nurseries which can quote prices of interest to us. A list of all the planting material needed is attached to this report, also a planting list for the 300 elms which it is proposed to plant this fall and in the spring. Committee on Campus Planting Merle J. Trees Helen M. Grigsby
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