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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Security Special Investments—Endowment Funds British Columbia Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds ..,, 6 ... Vancouver Lumber Company, Limited, Firat Mortgage Gold Bonds y}4 Chicago By-Products Coke Corporation, First and Refunding Bonds 5 Argentine Republic Bonds 5 U. S. A. First Lib. Loan Converted Bonds 4# West Perm Power Company First Mortgage Gold Bonds Series "E" 5 U. S. A. First Lib. Loan Converted Bonds 4 )i First Mortgage on 339 acres of land Franklin County, Illinois1 7 First Mortgage on 280 acres of land Franklin County, Illinois 7 First Mortgage on 400 acres of land Franklin County, Illinois 7 First Mortgage (Part) 160 acres of land Champaign County, Illinois 5 Appalachian Power Company First Mortgage Bonds 5 Chicago Union Station Company Firat Mortgage Bonds \}4 Detroit Edison Company First Mortgage Bonds 5 Kansas City Terminal Company, First Mortgage Bonds 4 Swift and Company, First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds 5 Terminal R. R. Ass'n of St. Louis, Missouri, First Mortgage Bonds 4H Westgage Gold Bonds Penn Power Company, First Mort- 5 TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS AS AT JUNE 30, 1 2 90 Amortited Interest Book Pr a Purchas• e Maturity Value Rate Value Rate Nov. 1, 1950 May 1, 1937 Jan. i, 1976 Mar. 1, 1945 June 15, 1947 March i, 1963 June is, 1947 June 16, 1929 July 7, 1932 Sept. 30, 1931 June 1, 1933 June 1, 1941 July 1, 1963 Jan. 1, 1933 Jan. 1, i960 $2 000 00 300 00 0 0 Date Acquired 1923 1923 Fund I Sift Sift < 2 000 00 Sift ( 13 000 00 Sift 1 14 S9S 00 2 000 00 Sift ( 500 00 )8 1 S ;c 100 00 19 ( ic) 15 000 00 IJO OC C ) 7 500 00 l30 oc ( ) 5 250 00 I>0 OC C > 2 508 33 I>0 OC C > 4 000 00 I>l 5c> C 15 000 00 10M I O 4 5 O 7 15 000 00 20 000 00 $2 000 00 300 00 (2 300 00) 2 000 00 10 000 00 2 000 00 493 50 99 10 15 000 00 7 500 00 5 250 00 2 508 33 4 057 84 Ira O. Baker Prize Fund Dec. 8, [925 William Beaumont Mem. Fund 1 1921 Robt. F. Carr Fellowship in Chem. Oct. '3, 1928 Elec. Eng. Society Loan Fund Sept. 9 1925 English Poetry Prize Fund . April 2 , 1929 4 Aug. 29, 1928 Aug. 29, 1928 Aug. 29, 1928 Aug. 4. 1928 Feb. 5. 1929 1 Jan. 15, 1929 Aug. 2, 1928 lulv 28, 1928 lulv 28, 1928 Sept. 1 , 1928 4 lulv 10, 1928 .lulv 10, 1928 Sept. 1 , 1928 4 Sept. 1 , 1928 4 Jan. 15. 1929 April 16,, I929 Aug. 1 1928 , Aug. I 1928 , Aug. 2, 1928 Aug. 2, 1928 Aug. 2, 1928 Aug. 1 1928 . July 1, 1944 10 500 00 Oct. 1, 1939 I 000 00 March 1, 1963 10 000 00 ly Board of Trus1 tees. 2M 9 1 5 9 2 jM 9 5 9 ° iM 9 6 5 15 037 39 9 2 3M 1 3 0 0 0 iM 1 2 0 0 0 6M 1 2 2 0 5 5M 1 2 8 s 15 372 '6 0 7 9M 8 7 8 5 3M 8 0 9 0 6M 9 7 0 5 2M 9 2 17 977 00 1 5 10M 1 2 S 0 O 5C 1 1 7 10 758 75 0 5 1 1 0 I o n 34 0 0 iM I 3 0 0 0 iM I 2 7 0 5 iM I 3 7 0 5 3M 1 4 0 10 368 28 0 0 4M 13 S 0 o U O > w o o c </> H M M w x > C D
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